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[Archport] HEp 9

•   To: "archport" <archport@list-serv.ci.uc.pt>
•   Subject: [Archport] HEp 9
•   From: "Jose d'Encarnação" <jde@ci.uc.pt>
•   Date: Mon, 5 Apr 2004 22:54:12 +0100

Para ser mais... «internacional», a equipa de Hispania Epigraphica preparou este 'anúncio' em inglês - que é, agora, afinal de contas, a segunda língua da maior parte dos archportianos!...
Hispania Epigraphica reúne todas as inscrições publicadas no ano a que diz respeito, ajuntando com frequência um breve e sensato comentário interpretativo. São bem-vindas todas as sugestões que visem completar este corpus, nomeadamente porque há sempre monumentos que são dados a conhecer em publicações de circulação restrita.  
Aqui vai o 'anúncio', com que muito nos congratulamos, designadamente por sabermos as dificuldades que se têm de vencer para pôr à disposição dos investigadores um instrumento de trabalho tão precioso:

Dear colleagues:

We here you got the new abstract and update about our last issue of Hispania Epigraphica, n. 9 (1999).


Hispania Epigraphica 9 (1999)

The Archivo Epigráfico de Hispania of the Universidad Complutense de Madrid would like to announce the publication of issue 9 (1999) of Hispania Epigraphica, with the help of several Spanish and Portuguese scholars.


This issue includes references to inscriptions published during the year 1999, although it also reflects later publications until the year 2003. In total 765 epigraphs of several kinds, latin, greek, christian and visigothic, which are sorted by geographical origin (736 from the Spanish ground and 28 from Portugal); many of them are reedited with comments, emendations and further bibliography. Among the most important corpora presented are: Alicante, Baleares, christian inscriptions of Mérida, Cástulo, Valladolid, and some others works on latin epigraphiy like the bronze signacula of the Museo Arqueológico Nacional (Madrid), the mithraic altar recently found in Lucus Augusti (Lugo), the Sánchez-Ostiz's whole text of Tabula Siarensis, new works about the S.C. de Pisone Patre and the new bronzes published by W. Eck in Chiron 27, 1997, 195-207. As usual, the issue includes a much improved index (almost 71 pages), designed to facilitate the searching as quickly and completely as possible.


  The address of Archivo Epigráfico de Hispania is: Escuela Universitaria de Estadística, Avda. Puerta de Hierro s/n, 28040 Madrid.

  Our collection (with exhaustive data about more than 24,000 Latin inscriptions of Hispania) are opened for public use and for all scholars and researchers. All this data is being included in a extended database and a little piece of them is now available in our webpage (www.ucm.es/info/archiepi).


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