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•   To: archport@list-serv.ci.uc.pt
•   Subject: [Archport] 36th INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON ARCHAEOMETRY-1ª Circular
•   From: Pedro Car <pacarretero@yahoo.es>
•   Date: Wed, 5 Oct 2005 09:06:30 +0200 (CEST)

(ISA 2006)
May 2nd - 6th, 2006
Quebec City, Canada
FIRST CIRCULAR: Call for Abstracts
Organized by
Laboratoire d?archéologie, Université du Québec à Chicoutimi &
Groupe d?archéométrie, Université Laval, Québec, Canada
PRESIDENT: M.S. Tite (Oxford)
CHAIRMAN: Y. Maniatis (Athens)
L. Barba (Mexico City)
K.T. Biro (Budapest)
R.M. Farquhar (Toronto)
H. Kars (Amsterdam)
P. Meyers (Los Angeles)
J.-F. Moreau (Chicoutimi)
J. Pérez-Arantegui (Zaragoza)
G.A. Wagner (Heidelberg)
Ch. Wang (Hefei)
S.U. Wisseman (Urbana)

Jean-François Moreau (Chicoutimi)
VICE CHAIRMAN: Réginald Auger (Quebec City)
SECRETARY: William Moss (Quebec City)
Jacques Chabot (Quebec City)
Anja Herzog (Quebec City)
André Miller (Quebec City)
< /B>The aim of the Symposium is to promote the development and use of scientific techniques in order to extract archaeological and historical information from the cultural heritage and the paleoenvironment. It involves all Natural Sciences and all types of objects and materials related with human activity.
In general, papers should deal with the development and/or application of scientific techniques for extracting information related to human activities of the past, including the biological nature of man himself and the environment in which he lived.
Papers that deal with weathering and deterioration of archaeological objects or monuments will be welcome provided they are relevant to one of the main themes of the Symposium. Papers that deal solely with conservation techniques or the development of materials for conservation are outside the scope of this conference and normally will not be accepted.
The subjects covered by the Symposium are grouped into the following fields that form the sessions under which the papers will be presented either as oral or poster.
The Symposium has six regular sessions plus a theme session selected by the local organizing committee. It also includes a special sub-session.
1. Field Archaeology (Remote Sensing and Prospecting) and Environmental Archaeology
2.       Dating (Organic and Inorganic Materials)
3.       Biomaterials (DNA, Diet, Organic Residues Analysis and Agricultural Archaeology)
4.      Technology and Provenance I (Stone, Plaster and Pigments)
5.      Technology and Provenance II (Ceramics and Glass)
          Special Sub-Session: Isotope Studies of Glass
6.        Technology and Provenance III (Metals)
7.       Special Theme Session: Early Man in America
Abstracts should have a length of between 200 and 400 words. They should contain: some introductory information about the objects or materials examined, a description of the research goals, the techniques used and the results obtained so far, including a short interpretation. The above information is necessary in order to help convenors to understand the work involved and to select the papers for oral or poster presentations.
Only papers with subjects that fall in one or more of the designated sessions of the Symposium will be accepted for presentation.
Authors should indicate clearly on the Abstract Submission Form in which of the above sessions they would prefer their paper to be presented. Also, they should indicate if they prefer oral or poster presentation.
To submi t your abstract, please fill in the enclosed form and return it to us by e-mail to registration@isa2006.ulaval.ca ultimately by December 1st, 2005.
The Quebec local organizing committee would, however, appreciate it if those who already plan to participate in ISA 2006 in Quebec City sent their abstract by October 15th, 2005 in order to help to get a grant to organize the Symposium.
The Symposium will be held at the Séminaire de Québec, situated within the historic city walls of Old Quebec City, Canada. More information will be published on the Conference's Website, which will be available soon.
The organizing committee will also provide information on possible travel arrangements and available accommodations during the Symposium on the Conference Website.
Social Program
During the Symposium the organizing committee will take the participants on a sightseeing tour of Quebec City. A symposium banquet will also be organized (at additional cost to the participan ts). The day after the symposium, a sightseeing trip will be offered for interested participants (also at additional cost). Further information will be included with the Website.
Language of the Symposium
The official language of the Symposium will be English.
Registration Fees
Registration fees including access to all sessions, breaks, five lunches, and the sightseeing tour of Quebec City are as follows:
Before March 1st, 2006:
- Symposium Participants: 300 $US
- Students: 150 $US (prove of student status is required)
On March 1st, 2006 or later:
- Symposium Participants: 350 $US
- Students: 175 $US
Key Dates
Deadline for submission of abstracts: December 1st, 2005/[October 15th, 2005: see above]
Notification of acceptance or rejection: January 30th, 2006
Deadl ine for registration and payment of registration fee: February 28 th, 2006
Deadline for hotel reservations: February 28th, 2006
Symposium Reception and Registration: May 1st, 2006
Sessions: May 2nd - 6th, 2006
Symposium excursion or departure: May 7th, 2006
Martin Aitken Prizes for Best Student Posters
To encourage the active participation of students in the Archaeometry Symposium, the Standing Committee offers two prizes of 200 $US each, for the best posters representing the work of students enrolled in programs leading to degrees in science or archaeological science. Students must attend the Symposium to claim their prizes.
Dr. Jean-François Moreau
Laboratoire d?archéologie
Département des sciences humaines
Université du Québec à Chicoutimi
Chicoutimi (Québec)
G7H 2B1
Phone: +1 (418) 545-5011 ext.: 4580
E-mail: jfmoreau@uqac.ca
General Information, Registration and Abstract Handling
Anja Herzog
ISA 2006 / CÉLAT
Pavillon Charles-De Koninck
Université Laval
Québec (Québec)
G1K 7P4
Phone: +1 (418) 656-2131 ext.: 15147
Fax: +1 (418) 656-7911
E-mail: info@isa2006.ulaval.ca
Symposium Website: http://www.isa2006.ulaval.ca
Pedro A. Carretero

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