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[Archport] Re: [terraeantiqvae] Ancient roman navy soldier surfaces. Ravenna

•   To: terraeantiqvae@yahoogroups.com
•   Subject: [Archport] Re: [terraeantiqvae] Ancient roman navy soldier surfaces. Ravenna
•   From: alicia.canto@uam.es
•   Date: Wed, 26 Oct 2005 07:34:12 MET

Muy interesante, y otra excelente muestra de cómo poner inmediatamente los
buenos hallazgos en conocimiento del público. La inscripción, sin embargo, está
mal leída y mal entendida (y esta vez no es culpa del consabido periodista), lo
que no deja de sorprender dados los buenos epigrafistas que hay en Italia;
supongo que los arqueólogos no han consultado antes con alguno, y "se han tirado
a la piscina". El difunto se llama "Montanus" de cognomen, y el que es "optio" o
asistente de la nave "La Dorada" es "Capito", su "cognatus" (pariente de sangre)
y heredero, que le dedica la estela. Tiene más curiosidades, pero esperemos a la
publicación científica de tan atractiva pieza, donde seguramente se corrijan
estos frecuentes yerros iniciales. Saludos. 

> The first-ever image of a soldier in the Ancient Roman navy has surfaced on
17th September
2005 at the major imperial naval base at Ravenna Classe.
> The armour-clad, weapon-bearing soldier was carved on a funeral stone, or
stele, in a
waterlogged necropolis at Classe ('Classis' in Latin means Fleet), the now silted-up
Ravenna port area where Rome's Adriatic fleet was stationed. 
> Previous finds at the site have only shown people in civilian garb (toga).
> An inscription on the soldier's funeral slab says he was an officer (optio) on
a small,
fast oar-powered ship (liburna) used to catch pirates.

> Although the stele is small -about one metre (yard) long- the detail of the
carving is

> The soldier has the bowl haircut and delicate, child-like features typical of
carvings from the 1st-century AD Julio-Claudian era. 

> He wears anatomically shaped body armour with shoulder strips and a
leather-fringed military skirt, above the light but tough military sandals
called "caligae". He is carrying a heavy javelin (pilum) and has a short
stabbing sword called "gladius" on his decorated belt.
> Over his armour there is a band which could be a military decoration.

> Part of the inscription is missing, but we can read the soldier's name
Mon(?)us (?) Capito -may be Moniatus or Monietus Capito-, the name of his ship
-called 'Aurata' that means Golden- and the name of the man who put up (and
paid) the stele, probably a fellow soldier, named Cocneus.
> The stele was found in three metres of water by divers helping archaeologists
trace a large tunnel from the late Imperial times. The stone had been taken from
the burial ground and used to prop up part of the tunnel that had collapsed.
> The find would have pride of place in a Museum of Archaeology being set up at
> Fuente: 
> http://www.archeobo.arti.beniculturali.it/comunicati_stampa/stele_classe.htm
> http://www.archeobo.arti.beniculturali.it/comunicati_stampa/stele_clas_en.htm
> Saludos cordiales,
> José Luis Santos

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Revista Terrae Antiqvae. Editor José Luis Santos
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