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[Archport] Call for papers

•   To: "archport" <archport@list-serv.ci.uc.pt>
•   Subject: [Archport] Call for papers
•   From: José d'Encarnação <jde@fl.uc.pt>
•   Date: Mon, 14 Nov 2005 08:21:37 -0000

                                                        XV UISPP Conference
                                                          Workshop WS28
?Defining a methodological approach to interpret structural evidences?

Dear colleague,

we would be pleased if you accept to participate at the Workshop 28 which will take place during the XV UISPP Conference (Lisbon, September 2006).
In order to promote a stimulating discussion as well as to ensure an updated state-of-art we believe your contribution could be of great value for the success of this event.
Do not hesitate to contact us for further information or requirements. Please, feel free to extend this invitation to other colleagues which may be interested in participating in this event.
Looking forward for your reply (that we really hope to be positive),
Yours faithfully,

Fabio Cavulli
( Laboratorio di Paletnologia,
Dipartimento di Scienze Filologiche e Storiche, Universita? di Trento, Trento, Italy )



XV UISPP Conference

Workshop WS28


?Defining a methodological approach to interpret structural evidences?



This workshop aims to enlighten the role and relationship between different features such as, postholes, hearths, rubbish pits, silos, ditches, palisades and other similar features. Although every period has its specific circumstances due to variation in land exploitation or economic strategies, each period has a contribution to make regarding the functionality and relationship between structural evidences and between features and environment. We expect a comparison between difference scientific approaches, (including field archaeology, ethnoarchaeology, experimental archaeology, landscape analysis, architecture, anthropology ?) to give new perspectives for the research of these features in archaeology.

Indeed, a commonly reoccurring problem in archaeological excavation is that there are several contexts which consist only of hollow features and no living floors; this is usually due to erosion or modern anthropic activity. The result is that the material culture is well known, but not the function of the area. This leads us to ask: is this a settlement? A working area linked to agricultural activities? Are they storage pits? Underground fire places? Clay mixing pits? Or simply rubbish pits? Simply put, what was the role of these features?

If understanding the stratigraphical nature and the actions that took place in and around the feature we are digging is the basis on which to interpret the function, then the correct excavation of these features is necessary to understand the possible purpose for which it was created. The first step is to establish a methodology for digging these features to be able to reach any interpretation of their function. In order to do this, it is necessary to consider all the evidence of similar features in prehistoric or historic periods by an archaeological and from an ethnographical point of view. The next step is, therefore, to find all the possible functions of these features.


Fabio Cavulli,

Laboratorio di Paletnologia,
Dipartimento di Scienze Filologiche e Storiche
of the University of Trento.
Corso 3 Novembre, 132 I-38100 ? Trento, Italy.






No more than 20 speakers are foreseen.

Each speaker has been allocated 15 minutes for the lecture.



Please take great care to follow these guidelines:


a) Deadline to submit abstracts: 15 January 2006.


b) Languages to be used: English or French.


c) Abstract should not exceed 300 words. They should also include the exact title, 5 keywords, full name(s) / office address(es) of the author(s).


d) Abstract (Rich-Text Format or WordPerfect) should be submitted only by e-mail.



Contact address:

Please, submit abstracts to the following address


Fabio Cavulli:            Fabio.Cavulli@lett.unitn.it



Tanks in advance for your kind interest.




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