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[Archport] JIA - New call for papers - please spread this message

•   To: "wac@flinders.edu.au" <wac@flinders.edu.au>, UISPP <uispp.xvcongress@ipt.pt>, "terraeantiqvae@yahoogroups.com" <terraeantiqvae@yahoogroups.com>, Jose Luis Santos Fernández <terraeantiqvaeblog@yahoo.es>, Lista de Prehistoria <prehistoria@euskalnet.net>, "archport-bounces@lserv.ci.uc.pt" <archport-bounces@lserv.ci.uc.pt>, "Archport@lserv.ci.uc.pt" <Archport@lserv.ci.uc.pt>
•   Subject: [Archport] JIA - New call for papers - please spread this message
•   From: Vítor Oliveira Jorge <vojorge@clix.pt>
•   Date: Thu, 25 May 2006 14:05:27 +0100

Title: JIA - New call for papers - please spread this message
Journal of Iberian Archaeology

Vol. 8 – special – to be launched in Lisbon on 26th June 2006 (in press)

Proceedings of the TAG session Sheffield 2005 “Approaching Prehistoric and Proto-historic Architectures of Europe from a Dwelling Perspective”.

EU funded project Culture 2000

Contributions by:

-Alasdair Whittle, (Univ. of Cardiff, UK)
-Alison Sheridan (National Museums of Scotland, UK)
-Amy Gazin-Schwartz (Assumption College, Worcester, Massachusetts, USA)
-Daniela Hofmann (Univ. of Cardiff)
-Eleanor Breen (Univ. of Wales, Lampeter, UK)
-Gordon Noble (Univ. of Glasgow, UK)
-Joshua Pollard (Univ. of Bristol)
-Julian Thomas (Univ. of Manchester, UK)
-Lesley McFayden (Univ. of Leicester, UK)
-Maria de Jesus Sanches (Univ. Porto, Portugal)
-Matthew Fitzjohn (School of Archaeology, Classics and Egyptology – Univ. of Liverpool)
-Niall Sharples (Univ. of Cardiff, UK)
-Paul Cripps, Graeme Earle and David Wheatley  (Univ. of Southampton, UK)
-Richard Bradley (Univ. of Reading, UK)
-Sarah Ralph (Univ. of Cambridge, UK)
-Sue Hamilton and Ruth Whitehouse (Univ. College, London, UK)
-Trevor Kirk (Trinity College, Camarthen, and Univ. College, Lampeter, UK)
-V. O. Jorge, J. M. Cardoso, A. M. Vale, G. L. Velho, L. S. Pereira (Univ. of Porto, Portugal)



Vol. 9-10

Deadline: 30 September 2006

Dear colleagues

I send this message in English in order to be understood by the majority of colleagues, be them Portuguese, Spanish, British, French, German, other Europeans, North-Americans, other Americans, or whatever

This journal was created in 1998 and 8 volumes (0-7) have been edited.

It is unique, because it uses only the British language as a vehicle to communicate ideas useful to Iberian Archaeology
– note that it uses it as a tool.
That does not mean any lack of respect by other languages, including the Portuguese one, as it is obvious
It is a non profit publication published by ADECAP – Association for the Improvement of Cooperation in Iberian Archaeology (Porto)
Available at Portico Librerías, Zaragoza
Portico - Distribucion <distrib@porticolibrerias.es>

Contact for sending papers’s proposals:
Vítor Oliveira Jorge <vojorge@clix.pt>

We accept papers (10-15 pages – Times New Roman- Size 12 + 2-4 pages of plates black and white. Size of page: 18 X 12 cm.)
And we also wish to include news, reviews, etc. - any valuable contributions.
The scientific board of the journal – or, when needed – some colleagues invited, function as peer reviewers of any papers submitted and whose quality/interest may raise doubt

What do we consider useful papers for this Journal?

We prefer:

    - papers raising new questions and presenting new synthesis
    - papers useful to a critical archaeology turned into other disciplines and paying attention to present issues of archaeological values as a public resource
    - presentation of new sites or regions, reports of excavations and projects, general ideas coming out from PhDs in preparation, etc., but avoiding unnecessary descriptivism

We would like to receive:

ADECAP is a small association. We work on a volunteer basis. So please be patient when we do not answer immediately.

Authors who do not write in English or who need (as ourselves) revision of their texts, will be invited to submit them to a person indicated by us.
ADECAP can not cover those translation/revision expenses.
By lack of means we do not make exchange with other journals.

We send JIA to all the associates of ADECAP.
Annual membership fee of ADECAP is:
Portugal: 20 € - plus 10€ for new members; undergraduate students - 12,5€ - plus 5€ for new members.
Abroad: 25 € - plus 10€ for new members; undergraduate students - 15€ - plus 5€ for new members.

If you wish to join the association, please apply to ADECAP through this e-mail.

Vitor O. Jorge
General editor

Vítor Oliveira Jorge
Prof. Univ. Porto

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