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[Archport] 'Journal of Intercultural and Interdisciplinary Archaeology'

•   To: "archport" <Archport@lserv.ci.uc.pt>
•   Subject: [Archport] 'Journal of Intercultural and Interdisciplinary Archaeology'
•   From: José d'Encarnação <jde@fl.uc.pt>
•   Date: Sat, 8 Jul 2006 09:02:06 +0100

'Journal of Intercultural and Interdisciplinary Archaeology' http://www.jiia.it

JIIA Eprints Repository (Open Access Repository) http://eprints.jiia.it/


Latest Additions:

Author: Porraz Guillaume
Title: En marge du milieu alpin: Dynamiques de formation des ensembles lithiques et modes d'occupation des territoires au Paléolithique moyen
Abstract:The lithic assemblages variability remains a major topic in Prehistory. Tackle this variability and interpreting it, amounts to examining the dynamic of assemblages formation, in a quantitative and qualitative way. The individualization of the different mecanisms implied, contributes to characterizing the functioning of a site, i.e. the techno-economic modalities of its occupation. These problematics are related to those of the hunter-gatherer settlement patterns.
The chronological context is the Middle Palaeolithic one at the beginning of the upper Pleistocene and the geographical context is the margin of the Alp's environment. Within this contrasted physical entity, two distinct sectors have been privileged (Venety region, Liguro-Provençal region). Finally, parallel to the study of more classical sites, have also been observed sites with low density of lithic artefacts, regularly left aside these perspectives until today.
The observation of usually discrete elements reveals a variability in the techno-economic norms that hadn't yet been demonstrated (type of products in circulation, model of chaîne opératoire sequencing, maximal distances of raw material circulation). About the modes of occupation of the territories, the complementarity suggested between the different sites attests indisputably the existence of structured organisations. The results of this study, in respect with the methodological choices, underline finally the importance of observation, interpretation and validation modalities on our perception of chrono-cultural assemblages in Prehistory.

Author: Sauren Herbert
Title: Letter of Friendship: An invitation to visit the sheikh for a last time
Abstract: A short letter has been written upon a potsherd at Tossal de Mannises, Albufereta, Alicante. The text of three lines, written boustrophedon, combines South-west Semitic and Latin languages, the document proves Semitization before Romanization. The message speaks about friendship.

Author: Sauren Herbert
Title:La votation des Juges dans un cas du droit civil
Abstract:La plaque de plomb inscrite a été trouvée dans la Sierra de Gador vers 1860. La Sierra de Gador est una vaste montagne au Nord entre Almeira et Adra, ou il y avait plusieurs mines de plomb. La mine n'a pas été retrouvé jusqu'à présent ni une autre endroit dans la Sierra de Gador, qui fournissait des objets inscrits avec l'écriture ibérique. Une mine de métaux n'est pas l'endroit d'un tribunal à l'exception qu'il puisse s'agir d'un cas litigieux d'un ouvrier contre un autre. Le texte note la procédure après que la plainte avait été déclrée recevable.

Best regards
A. D'Ascoli

Antonella D'Ascoli
Direttore Responsabile di JIIA & ADR
'Journal of Intercultural and Interdisciplinary Archaeology'
& 'Archaeological Disciplinary Repository'
JIIA Eprints Repository (Open Access Repository)
Address: Via Giacomo Leopardi n.56
80044 - Ottaviano (NA) - Italy
tel. +39 (0)81 8278203
tel. fax +39 (0)81 8280384
cell. 333 2899783
Skype: dascoli1957

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