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[Archport] Fw: CAA 2007

•   To: archport <Archport@lserv.ci.uc.pt>
•   Subject: [Archport] Fw: CAA 2007
•   From: "Guida Casella" <guidacasella@gmail.com>
•   Date: Sat, 22 Jul 2006 13:19:00 +0100

Dear colleagues,  

Online registration and abstract submission is now available on the homepage for the
CAA 2007 ( www.caa2007.de)
to be held on
April 2-6, 2007 in Berlin, Germany.

Next years conference will be organised by organized by

German Archaeological Institute (DAI)

Centre of the Ancient World (IZAW), Freie Universität Berlin

Collection of Classical Antiquities Berlin (Pergamonmuseum), Staatliche Museen Preußischer Kulturbesitz

and the CAA Germany

The Conference Organizing Committee for CAA 2007 invites you to participate in the 35th Annual Conference of 
  "Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology"   (CAA).

It is the aim of the conference to bring together experts from various disciplines to discuss new developments in computer applications and quantitive methods in archaeology. These include methods and applications of 3D reconstructions, geographic information systems, web data bases, photogrammetry, statistics, and many other subjects. With its interdisciplinary approach the conference will discover different layers of perception, and this is why "layers of perception" is the CAA 2007 conference theme.

You can participate in the conference by presenting a paper or poster. In addition, you may organize or take part in a discussion panel or workshop. If you intend to present a paper or poster or to organize a discussion panel or workshop, please read the call for papers.

Or, simply attend the conference, with its open and cordial atmosphere, to learn more about new developments in computer applications and quantitative methods, and to meet and talk with international colleagues.

Kind regards


Axel Posluschny

Dr. Axel Posluschny M.A.
Scientific Committee CAA 2007

Roman-Germanic Commission
German Archaeological Institute

DFG-project "Princely Sites" & Environs
Palmengartenstr. 10–12
D–60325 Frankfurt/M.
Phone: +49 (069) 97581828
Fax: +49 (069) 97581838
e-mail: caa2007@rgk.dainst.de

url: www.caa2007.de

Feel free to visit us as well at www.dainst.de  and www.fuerstensitze.de/1121

Mensagem anterior por data:
     [Archport] Fwd: CAA 2007: Online registration and abstract submission now available
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     [Archport] (sem assunto)
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     [Archport] Fw: Boletim Informativo - Eventos
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     [Archport] FW: Concurso PNTA para 2005