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A very Happy New Year to all our colleagues worldwide; as always your continued interest in our publications throughout 2015 was greatly appreciated and we are very excited to briefly share below our latest new title information and some exciting new developments here at Archaeopress.
SPRING 2016 CATALOGUEOur latest catalogue with detailed listings for all our latest titles and much of our backlist is available to
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NEW & FORTHCOMING PUBLICATIONSWe are very pleased to list below brief details of our new titles for January 2016. Full descriptions and contents listings can be found on our website
THIS MONTH’S NEW TITLES ARCHAEOPRESS ARCHAEOLOGYOur core peer-reviewed imprint currently publishes 6-9 new titles every month covering all archaeological topics, all geographic locations and all time periods with dedicated series for specialist fields of study. Publications are available across a range of formats including paperback, eBook and Open Access.
Click here for information regarding publishing in Archaeopress Archaeology. Fish-salting in the northwest Maghreb in antiquity A Gazetteer of Sites and Resources by Athena Trakadas. 2015. ISBN 9781784912413. £34.00. (eBook ISBN 9781784912420, £19.00 incl. UK VAT.)
Late Roman Handmade Grog-Tempered Ware Producing Industries in South East Britain by Malcolm Lyne. 2015. ISBN 9781784912376. £35.00. (eBook ISBN 9781784912383. £19.00 incl. UK VAT.)
Le Néolithique ancien en Italie du sud Evolution des industries lithiques entree VIIe et Vie millénaire by Carmine Collina. 2015. ISBN 9781784911867. £75.00. (eBook ISBN 9781784911836. £19.00 incl. UK VAT.)
Corpus Inscriptionum Christianarum et Mediaevalium Provinciae Burgensis (ss. IV-XIII) by Álvaro López Castresana. 2015. ISBN 9781784912536. £70.00. (eBook ISBN 9781784912543. £19.00 incl. UK VAT.)
The Production and Use of Flint Tools in the Archaic Period and the Old Kingdom in Egypt by Michał Kobusiewicz. 2016. Archaeopress Egyptology 12. ISBN 9781784912499. £36.00. (eBook ISBN 9781784912505. £19.00 incl. UK VAT.)
The Wisdom of Thoth Magical Texts in Ancient Mediterranean Civilisations edited by Grażyna Bąkowska-Czerner, Alessandro Roccati and Agata Świerzowska. 2016. ISBN 9781784912475. £32.00. (eBook ISBN 9781784912482. £19.00 incl. UK VAT.)
Mapping Society: Settlement Structure in Later Bronze Age Ireland by Victoria Ruth Ginn. ISBN 9781784912437. 2016. £40.00. (eBook ISBN 9781784912444. £19.00 incl. UK VAT.)
Archaeological Paleography A Proposal for Tracing the Role of Interaction in Mayan Script Innovation via Material Remains by Joshua D. Englehardt. 2016. Archaeopress Pre-Columbian Archaeology 6. ISBN 9781784912390. (eBook ISBN 9781784912406. £19.00 incl. UK VAT.)
Proceedings of ArcheoFOSS Free, libre and open source software e open format nei processi di ricerca archeologica: VIII Edizione, Catania 2013 edited by Filippo Stanco and Giovanni Gallo. ISBN 9781784912598. 2016. £40.00.
Also available to download in Open Access. The Roman Necropolis of Algarve (Portugal) About the Spaces of Death in the South of Lusitania by Carlos Pereira. ISBN 9781784912277. 2015. Exclusive to Open Access.
About the Oldest Known Christian Buildings in the Extreme South of Lusitania The Case of Quinta De Marim (Olhão, Algarve, Portugal) by Carlos Pereira. ISBN 9781784912284. 2015. Exclusive to Open Access.
NEW: ACCESS ARCHAEOLOGY – Open Access and Print-on-DemandOur newest imprint is designed to make archaeological research accessible to all and to present a low-cost (or no-cost) publishing solution for academics from all over the world. Material will range from theses, conference proceedings, catalogues of archaeological material, excavation reports and beyond. Click here for detailed information regarding publishing in Access Archaeology. SOMA 2013. Proceedings of the 17th Symposium on Mediterranean Archaeology Moscow, 25-27 April 2013 edited by Sergei Fazlullin and Mazlum Mert Antika. Access Archaeology 2016. ISBN 9781784912673. £45.00.
Also available to download in Open Access. Darwin´s Legacy: The Status of Evolutionary Archaeology in Argentina edited by Marcelo Cardillo & Hernán Muscio. South American Archaeology Series 24. ISBN 9781784912765. £25.00.
Also available to download in Open Access. Metallurgical Production in Northern Eurasia in the Bronze Age by Stanislav Grigoriev. Access Archaeology 2016. ISBN 9781784912758. £80.00.
Also available to download in Open Access. Structured Deposition of Animal Remains in the Fertile Crescent during the Bronze Age by José Luis Ramos Soldado. Access Archaeology 2016. ISBN 9781784912727. £20.00.
Also available to download in Open Access. Estudio antropológico de las estructuras cefálicas en una colección osteológica procedente de Chinchero (Perú) An anthropological study of cephalic structures in an osteological collection from Chinchero (Peru) by José I. Herrera Ureña. Access Archaeology 2016. ISBN 9781784912710. £24.00.
Also available to download in Open Access. NEW: POTINGAIR PRESSWe are delighted to announce we will now be acting as worldwide distributor (excepting North America) for Potingair Press. First launched in 2011 by a small group of practicing archaeologists working in Scotland and the Eastern Mediterranean, Potingair aims to disseminate to the public-at-large, in an easy and informative way, the results of current multi-disciplinary research in archaeology, history, the environment and the physical and earth sciences - see the
Potingair page on our website for more information.
Rhesus’ Gold, Heracles’ Iron: the archaeology of metals mining and exploitation in NE Greece by Nerantzis X Nerantzis. ISBN 9780956824028. Potingair Press 2014. £35.00. Eros, mercator and the cultural landscape of Melos in antiquity: the archaeology of the minerals industry of Melos by Effie Photos-Jones and Alan J Hall. ISBN 9780956824011. Potingair Press 2014. £45.00. Lemnian Earth and the earths of the Aegean an archaeological guide to medicines, pigments and washing powders by Effie Photos-Jones and Alan J Hall. ISBN 9780956824004. Potingair Press 2016. £30.00. FIRST ANNOUNCEMENT – NEW: JOURNAL OF HELLENISTIC POTTERY AND MATERIAL CULTURE (JHP)JHP is due to launch in Autumn 2016 after which it is scheduled to appear once a year, more often if necessary. It will provide a forum for all kinds of studies on Hellenistic pottery and everyday objects. Apart from professional articles, the journal will contain book reviews, short presentations of research projects (including dissertations) and general news. The preferred language is English. Contributions in German and French will be accepted if they are supplemented by a detailed English summary. The Editorial Board is headed by Dr Patricia Kögler, Dr Renate Rosenthal-Heginbottom and Prof. Dr Wold Rudolph. Submissions should be submitted to the following email address: For more information visit the
JHP page on our website
NEW: JOURNAL OF GREEK ARCHAEOLOGY (Print ISSN: 2059-4674, Digital ISSN: 2059-4682)A new international English-language journal launching in 2016 with an editorial board headed by
Prof. John Bintliff (Edinburgh University, U.K. and Leiden University, The Netherlands). The scope of this journal is Greek archaeology both in the Aegean and throughout the wider Greek-inhabited world, from earliest Prehistory to the Modern Era. For more information including a full mission statement and subscription rates please visit the
JGA page on our website
ARCHAEOPRESS DIGITAL SUBSCRIPTION SERVICE (ADSS)Our new digital subscription service includes over 130 titles available immediately and approx. 5-9 new titles appearing at your desktop every month. Contact to enquire about a no-cost 30-day trial. Please forward this to your librarian if you think this would be a useful resource for your institution.
RECENT HIGHLIGHTS The Iron Age and Romano-British Settlement at Crick Covert Farm Excavations 1997-1998 (DIRFT Volume I) by Gwilym Hughes and Ann Woodward. 2015. ISBN 9781784912086. £48.00. (eBook ISBN 9781784912093, £19.00 incl. UK VAT.)
Origins, Development and Abandonment of an Iron Age Village Further Archaeological Investigations for the Daventry International Rail Freight Terminal, Crick & Kilsby, Northamptonshire 1993-2013 (DIRFT Volume II) by Robert Masefield (ed), Andy Chapman, Peter Ellis, John Hart, Roy King & Andrew Mudd. ISBN 9781784912185. £48.00. (eBook ISBN 9781784912192. £19.00 incl. UK VAT.)
The Enigmatic World of Ancient Graffiti Rock art in Chukotka: The Chaunskaya Region, Russia by Margarita Kir’yak (Dikova) Translated by Richard L. Bland. 2015. ISBN 9781784911881. £32.00. (eBook ISBN 9781784911898. £19.00 incl. UK VAT.)
Ritual in Late Bronze Age Ireland Material Culture, Practices, Landscape Setting and Social Context by Katherine Leonard. 2015. ISBN 9781784912208. £38.00. (eBook ISBN 9781784912215. £19.00 incl. UK VAT.)
La implantación del culto imperial de la provincia en Hispania by Marta González Herrero. Archaeopress Roman Archaeology 11, 2015. ISBN 9781784911768. £30.00. (eBook ISBN 9781784911775. £19.00 incl. UK VAT.)
Controlling Colours Function and meaning of Colour in the British Iron Age by Marlies Hoecherl. 2015. ISBN 9781784912253. £34.00. (eBOOK ISBN 9781784912260. £19.00 incl. UK VAT.)
Over The Hills and Far Away Last Glacial Maximum Lithic Technology Around the Great Adriatic Plain by Emanuele Cancellieri. 2015. ISBN 9781784912345. £28.00. (eBOOK ISBN 9781784912352. £19.00 incl. UK VAT.)
Open Access platform to see all our Open Access content, available to read online or download to your preferred device for free.
Visit our website to learn more about publishing in our various imprints and highly affordable Open Access rates.Best Practices of GeoInformatic Technologies for the Mapping of Archaeolandscapes edited by Apostolos Sarris. Archaeopress Archaeology 2015. ISBN 9781784911638. (Also available in paperback priced £44.00.)
The Roman Necropolis of Algarve (Portugal) About the Spaces of Death in the South of Lusitania by Carlos Pereira. Archaeopress Archaeology 2015. ISBN 9781784912277.
About the Oldest Known Christian Buildings in the Extreme South of Lusitania The Case of Quinta De Marim (Olhão, Algarve, Portugal) by Carlos Pereira. Archaeopress Archaeology 2015. ISBN 9781784912284.
SOMA 2013. Proceedings of the 17th Symposium on Mediterranean Archaeology Moscow, 25-27 April 2013 edited by Sergei Fazlullin and Mazlum Mert Antika. Access Archaeology 2016. ISBN 9781784912291. (Also available in paperback priced £45.00.)
Darwin´s Legacy: The Status of Evolutionary Archaeology in Argentina edited by Marcelo Cardillo & Hernán Muscio. South American Archaeology Series 24. ISBN 9781784912703. (Also available in paperback priced £25.00.)
Metallurgical Production in Northern Eurasia in the Bronze Age by Stanislav Grigoriev. Access Archaeology 2016. ISBN 9781784912369. (Also available in paperback priced £80.00.)
Structured Deposition of Animal Remains in the Fertile Crescent during the Bronze Age by José Luis Ramos Soldado. Access Archaeology 2016. ISBN 9781784912697. (Also available in paperback priced £20.00.)
Estudio antropológico de las estructuras cefálicas en una colección osteológica procedente de Chinchero (Perú) An anthropological study of cephalic structures in an osteological collection from Chinchero (Peru) by José I. Herrera Ureña. Access Archaeology 2016. ISBN 9781784912680. (Also available in paperback priced £24.00.)
FORTHCOMING TITLES Medieval Rural Settlements in the Syrian Coastal Region (12th and 13th Centuries) by Balázs Major. Archaeolingua Central European Archaeological Heritage Series 9. ISBN 9781784912048. £52.00. (eBOOK ISBN 9781784912314. £19.00 incl. UK VAT.)
Elis 1969: The Peneios Valley Rescue Excavation Project British School at Athens Survey 1967 and Rescue Excavations at Kostoureika and Keramidia 1969 by John Ellis Jones and Ourania Kouka. 2016. ISBN 9781784912307. £33.00. (eBOOK ISBN 9781784912314. £19.00 incl. UK VAT.)
Tra Montaccianico e Firenze: gli Ubaldini e la città Atti del convegno di studi, Firenze-Scarperia 28–29 settembre 2012 a cura di Alessandro Monti e Elisa Pruno. 2015. Limina/Limites: Archaeologies, histories, islands and borders in the Mediterranean. ISBN 9781784912635
Argonauts of the Stone Age Early maritime activity from the first migrations from Africa to the end of the Neolithic by Andrzej Pydyn. 2015
. ISBN 9781784911430
Set in Stone? War Memorialisation as a Long-Term and Continuing Process in the UK, France and the Usa by Emma Login. 2016. ISBN 9781784912574
Mining and Materiality: Neolithic Chalk Artefacts and their Depositional Contexts in Southern Britain by Anne M. Teather. 2016. ISBN 9781784912659.
Richerche Archeologiche a Loppio (1998-2014): Il Castrum Tardoantico / Altomedievale by Barbara Maurina. 2016. ISBN 9781784912512.
La ceramica bassomedievale a Pisa e San Genesio (San Miniato-Pi) Città e campagna a confronto by Beatrice Fatighenti. 2016. ISBN 9781784912772.
Palmyra: City, Hinterland and Caravan Trade between Orient and Occident edited by Jørgen Christian Meyer, Eivind Heldaas Seland and Nils Anfinset. 2016. ISBN 9781784912796
Rock Art of the Vindhyas: An Archaeological Survey. The Documentation and Analysis of the Rock Art of Mirzapur District, Uttar Pradesh by Ajay Pratap. 2016. ISBN 9781784912451
Intellectual and Spiritual _expression_ of Non-Literate Peoples Proceedings of the XVII UISPP World Congress (1–7 September, Burgos, Spain) Volume 1 / Session A20 edited by Emmanuel Anati. 2016. ISBN 9781784912819
Monumental Earthen Architecture in Early Societies Technology and power display. Proceedings of the XVII UISPP World Congress (1–7 September, Burgos, Spain) Volume 2 / Session B3 edited by Annick Daneels. 2016. ISBN 9781784912840
Giants in the Landscape: Monumentality and Territories in the European Neolithic Proceedings of the XVII UISPP World Congress (1–7 September, Burgos, Spain). Volume 3 / Session A25d edited by Vincent Ard and Lucile Pillot. 2016. ISBN 9781784912857
L’eau comme morphogène dans les paysages Proceedings of the XVII UISPP World Congress (1–7 September, Burgos, Spain). Volume 4 / Session A14 edited by Sandrine Robert and Benoit Sittler. 2016. ISBN 9781784912871
Public Images, Private Readings: Multi-Perspective Approaches to the Post-Palaeolithic Rock Art Proceedings of the XVII UISPP World Congress (1–7 September, Burgos, Spain) Volume 5 / Session A11 edited by Ramón Fábregas Valcarce, Carlos Rodríguez-Rellán. 2016. ISBN 9781784912895
Analysis of the Economic Foundations Suppporting the Social Supremacy of the Beaker Groups Proceedings of the XVII UISPP World Congress (1–7 September, Burgos, Spain) Volume 6 / Session B36 edited by Elisa Guerra Doce and & Corina Liesau von Lettow-Vorbeck. 2016. ISBN 9781784912918
The Three Dimensions of Archaeology Proceedings of the XVII UISPP World Congress (1–7 September, Burgos, Spain). Volume 7 / Sessions A4b and A12 edited by Hans Kamermans, Wieke de Neef, Chiara Piccoli,, Axel G. Posluschny and Roberto Scopigno. 2016. ISBN 9781784912932
Quality Management of Cultural Heritage Problems and best practices Proceedings of the XVII UISPP World Congress (1–7 September, Burgos, Spain). Volume 8 / Session A13 edited by Maurizio Quagliuolo and Davide Delfino. 2016. ISBN 9781784912956
Later Prehistory to the Bronze Age. 1. The Emergence of Warrior Societies and its Economic, Social and Environmental Consequences. 2. Imports and Aegeo-Mediterranean Influences on the Continental European Tombs in the Bronze and Iron Ages Proceedings of the XVII UISPP World Congress (1–7 September, Burgos, Spain) Volume 9 / Sessions A3c and A16a edited by Fernando Coimbra, Davide Delfino Valeriu Sîrbu and Cristian Schuster. 2016. ISBN 9781784912970
Tomb Security in Ancient Egypt from the Predynastic to the Pyramid Age by Reginald John Clark
. Archaeopress Egyptology 13. 2016. ISBN 9781784912994
Archaeological Scientist. A Faith in Archaeological Science: Reflections on a Life by Don Brothwell. Archaeological Lives. 2016. ISBN 9781784913014
Late Roman to Late Byzantine/Early Arabic Period Lamps in the Holy Land The Collection of the Israel Antiquities Authority by Varda Sussman. 2016. ISBN 9781784912772
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