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[Archport] Call for abstracts: International Meeting “Wood and Charcoal: Approaches from Archaeology, Archaeobotany, Ethnography and History” | April 15-16

Subject :   [Archport] Call for abstracts: International Meeting “Wood and Charcoal: Approaches from Archaeology, Archaeobotany, Ethnography and History” | April 15-16
From :   Carla Sofia Fernandes Xavier <>
Date :   Thu, 18 Feb 2016 12:27:38 +0000



The International Meeting “Wood and Charcoal: Approaches from Archaeology, Archaeobotany, Ethnography and History” is organised by Lab2Pt and the University of Minho, and will take place in Braga from 15-16 April. It is focused on the study of wood and charcoal from archaeological, archaeobotanical, ethnographic and historical approaches.  Wood was in the past a key material and was used in many different ways in the day-to-day life. Domestic, artisanal and ritual tools, weapons, structures, buildings, log-boats, ships, carts, etc. were made of wood. It was also crucial for the developing of rituals and ceremonies. One of the main goals of this Meeting is to give visibility to this ephemeral material that made part in the past of all the spheres of life. The approaches to the study of wood –and also to charcoal- would be made since disciplines such as Archaeology, Archaeobotany, Ethnography and History with strong interrelations between them. The Meeting would include conferences lectured by recognised experts besides to short-communications and a poster-session, ending with a round-table.

The organisation welcomes short-communications and posters in English or Portuguese.  Candidates are invited to submit a title and abstract of 300 words maximum before March 21th 2016. The abstract, accompanied by the affiliation and address data of the candidate, can be submitted to the following e-mail: Candidates will be informed regarding the acceptance of their proposals by the 1st of April 2016.


Organising committee:

María Martín-Seijo, Post-doctoral Fellow at University of Minho (Braga, Portugal). Researcher funded by a Post-Doc Grant Plan I2C mod. A at University de Santiago de Compostela. Team member of the Landscape, Heritage and Territory Laboratory (Lab2PT).

Ana M.S. Bettencourt, Landscape, Heritage and Territory Laboratory (Lab2PT), Department of History of University of  Minho, Braga, Portugal.


More informations in:

Best regards,

Carla Xavier


Escola de Arquitetura

Universidade do Minho

Campus de Azurém

4800-058 Guimarães




Mensagem anterior por data: [Archport] Conferência sobre a população de Cacela na época medieval após a conquista do “Reino do Algarve” por Cristina Tété Garcia (Sábado, 27 Fevereiro, Cacela Velha) Próxima mensagem por data: [Archport] Newsletter Património Cultural N.º 175
Mensagem anterior por assunto: [Archport] ARQUEOLOGIA da ARQUITECTURA - Novo número Nº 12 (2015) Próxima mensagem por assunto: [Archport] Call for abstracts: International Meeting “Wood and Charcoal: Approaches from Archaeology, Archaeobotany, Ethnography and History” | April 15-16