[Archport] IAP ganha parceria em projecto europeu H2020 de realidade virtual aplicada ao património arqueológico subaquático
O IAP/FCSH-UNL é um dos parceiros científicos de um novo projecto
apoiado pela Comunidade Europeia, no âmbito do programa
O projecto vencedor, iMARECULTURE - irá aplicar a realidade virtual
ao património cultural subaquático, estando financiado em 2.7 milhões
de euros.
Percebo os pruridos que há com o uso/não uso língua portuguesa, mas
espero que percebam também que a maior parte destes projectos, nós
fazemo-los de raíz em inglês - traduzi-los para português é, assim,
duplicação de trabalho... assim sendo, e ficando já a justificação,
aqui fico o resumo, na língua do bardo:
"iMARECULTURE is focusing in raising European identity awareness using
maritime and underwater cultural interaction and exchange in
Mediterranean Sea. Commercial ship routes joining Europe with other
cultures are vivid examples of cultural interaction, while shipwrecks
and submerged sites, unreachable to wide public are excellent samples
that can benefit from immersive technologies, augmented and virtual
iMARECULTURE will bring inherently unreachable underwater cultural
heritage within digital reach of the wide public using virtual visits
and immersive technologies. Apart from reusing existing 3D data of
underwater shipwrecks and sites, with respect to ethics, rights and
licensing, to provide a personalized dry visit to a museum visitor or
augmented reality to the diver, it also emphasizes on developing pre-
and after- encounter of the digital visitor. The former one is
implemented exploiting geospatial enabled technologies for developing
a serious game of sailing over ancient Mediterranean and the latter
for another serious underwater shipwreck excavation game. Both games
are realized thought social media, in order to facilitate information
exchange among users.
iMARECULTURE supports dry visits by providing immersive experience
through VR Cave and 3D info kiosks on museums or through the web.
Additionally aims to significantly enhance the experience of the
diver, visitor or scholar, using underwater augmented reality in a
tablet and an underwater housing.
iMARECULTURE is composed by universities and SMEs with experience in
diverse underwater projects, existing digital libraries, and people
many of which are divers themselves."