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[Archport] FW: Bruce Trigger

Subject :   [Archport] FW: Bruce Trigger
From :   "Pedro Barros" <>
Date :   Mon, 11 Dec 2006 17:33:10 -0000

-----Mensagem original-----
De: Nuno Vasco Oliveira [] 
Enviada: segunda-feira, 11 de Dezembro de 2006 17:23
Assunto: Bruce Trigger

>Bruce Trigger, one of Canada's most eminent archaeologists and a
>McGill University professor, died on Friday at the age of 69.
>The Wikipedia has an entry on him and his work,
>from which I excerpt the following:
>Bruce Graham Trigger (born June 18, 1937 died December 1, 2006) is
>a Canadian archaeologist.
>Born in Preston, Ontario, he received a doctorate in archaeology
>from Yale University in 1964. His research interests include the
>history of archaeological research and the comparative study of
>early cultures. He taught at Northwestern University for a year in
>1964 and since then has been in the Department of Anthropology at
>McGill University in Montr=E9al. For his in-depth study of the
>ethnohistory of the Hurons, he has been adopted as an honorary
>member of the Huron-Wendat Nation. His book A History of
>Archaeological Thought is a must for anyone who wishes to
>understand the development of archaeology as a discipline. In 2003
>a session at the Society for American Archaeology (SAA) conference
>was dedicated to the research of Bruce Trigger.
>In 2001, he was made an Officer of the National Order of Quebec. In
>2005, he was made an Officer of the Order of Canada. A Fellow of
>the Royal Society of Canada, he won their Innis-G=E9rin Medal in
>1985. In 1991, he won the Quebec government's Prix L=E9on-G=E9rin.
>  ......
>      * A History of Archaeological Thought. Cambridge: Cambridge
>University Press, 1989.
>     * Early Civilizations: Ancient Egypt in Context. New York:
>Columbia, 1993.
>     * The Cambridge History of the Native Peoples of the Americas
>[vol. I]. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1996.
>     * Sociocultural Evolution: Calculation and Contingency. Oxford:
>Blackwell, 1998.
>     * Artifacts and Ideas: Essays in Archaeology. New Brunswick,
>NJ: Transaction Publishers, 2003.
>     * Understanding Early Civilizations: A Comparative Study. New
>York: Cambridge University Press, 2003.
>     * Ronald F. Williamson and Michael S. Bisson (eds)
>     2006. The Archaeology of Bruce Trigger: Theoretical Empiricism.
>McGill-Queens's University Press, Montr=E9al.

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