[Archport] Durham - Western Europe in the First Millennium BC
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na web da universidade de Durham sobre este interessante congresso.
saludos, mdg
Western Europe in the First Millennium BC - Crossing the divide
Department of Archaeology, Durham University, UK
November 23-25th, 2007
"European Late Bronze Age and Iron Age studies have witnessed an increasing
theoretical and methodological divide between approaches taken in different
European countries. Whilst topics such as ethnicity, identity and agency
have preoccupied many British scholars' studies of this period, such themes
have had less resonance in continental Europe. At the same time British
First Millennium BC studies have become increasingly divorced from the
approaches and discoveries underway on the continent, tending instead to
study the British Isles in isolation. In many ways, such a divergence
reflects deep historical divisions in theoretical and methodological
approaches in European archaeology, but one that has been largely ignored by
many scholars of the period.
This conference aims to explore the potential of considering a broader
European perspective when analysing Late Bronze Age and Iron Age archaeology
even at small-scale geographical level. Issues of power, legitimation,
memory, social construction of landscapes and the active role of material
culture are possible themes to discuss. In addition, this conference
endeavours to explore the effects that a plurality in techniques,
methodologies and approaches in different countries in Europe may have on
This conference will bring together a range of scholars from across Western
Europe. Key papers will be given by established scholars, including Prof.
Gonzalo Ruiz Zapatero, Prof. John Collis and Dr. Richard Hingley. It will
provide a forum for discussion and debate, alongside the exchange of ideas
and practices. The conference is divided thematically, allowing the
exploration of a range of issues relevant to First Millennium BC studies
across Europe. These include: The Social modelling of Late Bronze Age and
Iron Age societies; Approaches to material culture; Landscape studies, and
History of European research traditions. For the purposes of this workshop
Western Europe includes Spain, Portugal, France, Ireland, Britain and the
Low Countries. Invitation to attend is open to all scholars from those
countries, or undertaking research on the First millennium BC within those
areas. The conference proceedings will be published as an edited volume.
To register or to propose a paper, please complete the form below and send
it to "Western Europe in the First Millennium BC", Department of
Archaeology, Durham University, South Road, Durham DH1 3LE, UK. Please note
that there are a limited number of places available and you are advised to
book early to avoid disappointment."
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