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[Archport] IARSS 22-23rd May 2008 Call for Papers

Subject :   [Archport] IARSS 22-23rd May 2008 Call for Papers
From :   "João Fonte" <>
Date :   Fri, 1 Feb 2008 16:08:16 +0100

Dear friends and colleagues,

We are delighted to announce the call for papers for the 11th Iron Age Research Student Seminar (IARSS) to be held at the School of Archaeology and Ancient History, University of Leicester on the 22nd - 23rd May 2008.

IARSS is a relaxed and informative venue for postgraduate students to present and discuss new research on the European Late Bronze to Late Iron Age. Academic staff, professionals, and anybody with an interest in current Iron Age research are encouraged to attend, in order to give support and comments.

The cost of the conference will be £7.50 for students and £15.00 for the salaried. Delegates must register no later than by 1st May 2008.


Papers are scheduled to be presented over a period of two days. The conference format will entail 20 minute papers followed by questions and discussions. Poster presentations are welcomed from those unable to attend or speak on the day.

Interested presenters should send their proposed title and an abstract of no more than 300 words to the contact email address. The deadline for submission will be the 18th April 2008.

We would be grateful if you could pass this email on to any interested parties and display the attached poster in your department.

For all enquires, please contact Andrew Tullett and Martin Sterry at

Further details, including registration forms, will be made available shortly on our website

Attachment: IARSS_2008_call_for_papers.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

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Mensagem anterior por assunto: Re: [Archport] IARSS 2011 Próxima mensagem por assunto: [Archport] IARSS 28th-29th May 2009 - First Call for Papers