[Archport] Seminário AMS - ITN
Perspectivando-se a que, num futuro próximo, o Instituto Tecnológico e
Nuclear venha a dispor de uma unidade de datação pelo radiocarbono por
AMS, chama-se a atenção para a Conferência que irá ter lugar amanhã
naquele Instituto.
Seminário -
auditório do ITN dia 19 Março pelas 11.00 h.
Accelerator Mass Spectrometry at 3 MV tandem accelerators - From
Radiocarbon dating to nuclear astrophysics
The principles and applications of accelerator mass spectrometry will be
presented showing VERA (Vienna Environmental Research Accelerator) as an
example for a 3 MV tandem accelerator facility. The main focus of this
presentation will be on radiocarbon dating - the major application of
Other applications using long-lived radionuclides will be demonstrated
with environmental research relevant nuclides like 10Be and 26Al as well
as astrophysics applications using isotopes ranging from 10Be up to
244Pu. As a future perspective of AMS methods for improvement and future
applications including the combination of AMS with other mass
spectrometry methods like laser photodetachment spectrometry or nano-beam
SIMS (Secondary Ion Mass
Spectrometry) will be shown.
Dr. Oliver Forstner
Faculty of Physics
University of Vienna
António M. Monge
Senior Researcher
Laboratório de Radiocarbono
Química Analítica e
Instituto Tecnológico e
Estrada Nacional
2686-953 Sacavém, Portugal
e-mail amsoares@itn.pt
Tel. 351-21- 9946180
Fax. 351-21-9946185