[Archport] Cuba é o 17º país a ratificar a Convenção da Unesco para a Protecção do PCS..
... o que não deixa de ser supreendente quando vem do país que tinha
em Fidel Castro um apaixonado pela caça ao tesouro, tendo este criado
uma empresa estatal, a Carisub, dedicada a esta actividade. Enfim,
mudam-se os tempos e ainda bem.
Agora fica a faltar apenas que mais três países a ratifiquem para que
entre em vigor.
Cuba Ratifies UNESCO Convention on Underwater Heritage
HAVANA, Cuba, May 27 (acn) Cuba ratified on Tuesday the UNESCO
Convention on the protection of underwater heritage.
UNESCO's General Director Koichiro Matsuura received in Paris the
documents that ratify the adherence of the Caribbean nation to this
accord adopted in 2001 that will allow the protection of its
underwater natural richness.
This decision by the Cuban government is a very good piece of news,
said Matsuura during a ceremony in which he also thanked the Cuban
authorities for taking this step that will lead other countries of the
region and the world to follow the example.
For his part, Cuba's Ambassador to UNESCO, Hector Hernandez Pardo,
said that this ratification is part of the Cuban tradition of
commitment to the international law and norms and also an expression
of the Cuban historic support of UNESCO, multilateralism and the
United Nations System, in general.
This international treaty sets basic principles for the protection of
Underwater Cultural Heritage and it includes a system of cooperation
among countries and practical norms commonly acknowledged for the
treatment and research of this patrimony.
The Convention will come into effect three months after 20 countries
present their rectification instruments. With this step, Cuba has
become the 17th nation to do it.