[Archport] NASA Technology Illuminates Dead Sea Scrolls
Title: NASA Technology Illuminates Dead Sea
29 Av 5768, August 30, '08
NASA Technology Illuminates Dead Sea
by Hana Levi Julian
(IsraelNN.com) Scientists are using American space-age technology to
bring to light the faded script on thousands of fragments of the Dead
Sea Scrolls, the oldest existing record of the Old Testament. Israeli
authorities said experts will digitally photograph the scrolls and
post them on the internet for the entire world to see.
In the laboratory, before the IR
Tom Lianza, Courtesy of IAA
The Israel Antiquities Authority unveiled
the project Wednesday at a news conference in Jerusalem to mark the
60th anniversary of the discovery of the first Dead Sea scrolls. The
scrolls were found in 1947 by a Bedouin shepherd near the ancient
ascetic community of Qumran; some 2,000 years had elapsed from
the time the pottery jugs containing the scrolls were placed in
cool Judean Desert caves, until their chance rediscovery.
The technology developed by retired NASA scientist Dr. Greg Bearman,
will also be used to monitor the scroll fragments on an ongoing basis
for conservation purposes. But even more exciting is the expectation
that it will reveal portions of the text that were invisible until
High-tech cameras using infrared photography are now being used to
uncover sections of the 2,000-year-old scrolls that have faded over
the centuries and become indecipherable, the Israeli Antiquities
Authority said.
Scroll fragments during the IR imaging
Tom Lianza, Courtesy of IAA
The project is expected to take about
five years and the goal is to make the scrolls accessible to
scientists and the general public, Antiquities Authority official
Pnina Shor said.
"Now for the first time the scrolls will be a computer click
away," said Shor, who heads the authority's department
responsible for the conservation of artifacts. "This will ensure
that the scrolls are preserved for another 2,000 years."
Working on the scroll fragments in the
imaging laboratory
Tom Lianza, Courtesy of IAA
Experts have complained for years that
only a small number of scholars have been allowed access to the
scrolls and the thousands of fragments that were found in the caves
near the Dead Sea. In recent years, steps have been taken to widen
access, but many of the findings are still not properly identified and
The scroll fragments after the IR
Tom Lianza, Courtesy of IAA
Conservators have long been concerned
with the scrolls' preservation and documentation. In 1991 the Israel
Antiquities Authority (IAA), advised by leading experts in the
conservation of manuscripts, parchment and papyrus, established a
laboratory dedicated solely to the conservation of the Dead Sea