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Sturt F. <F.Sturt@soton.ac.uk>Date: Wed, Dec 3, 2008 at 7:13 PM
Subject: [BRITARCH] TAG 2008
BRITARCH@jiscmail.ac.ukDear all,
it is now less than two weeks until TAG 2008. A full timetable listing when each of the 311 papers will be given is now available online at
http://www.tagconference.org/Timetable. Here you will also find details of the plenary session, Monday night's walking/eating/drinking tour of medieval Southampton, the TAG art exhibition and the Tuesday night Antiquity quiz and TAG party. You are all invited to submit suggestions for music to be played at the Tuesday night event through the call for 'chunes' on the website.
This year, in addition to the usual TAG bookstalls there will be a 'community' second-hand bookstall. Please bring along any books you would like us to sell on your behalf - full details can be found on the website.
Following traditional TAG practice, registration will remain open throughout the conference. However, if you wish to take advantage of a 'free' packed lunch as part of your registration package you need to have registered before 11.59pm Thursday 4th December.
The TAG 2008 organising committee