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[Archport] [Wac] Post-doc position in Archaeology at Kalmar (Suecia)

To :   ARCHPORT <>
Subject :   [Archport] [Wac] Post-doc position in Archaeology at Kalmar (Suecia)
From :   Marta Diaz-Guardamino <>
Date :   Fri, 13 Feb 2009 17:14:43 +0000

Para quem tenha interesse, reenvio este email de C. Holtorf a lista do Wac




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Date: Thu, 12 Feb 2009 11:23:38 +0100

Subject: [Wac] Post-doc position in Archaeology at Kalmar



We are inviting applications for a Post-doc in Archaeology (2-years
fixed term) at the School of Human Sciences, University of Kalmar, Sweden,
starting as soon as possible. From January 2010 we will be part of the new Linnaeus University.

The job is a new position awarded to us by the Vice-Chancellor in
recognition of our research achievements in archaeology during the past four
years. We need a strong researcher who can actively contribute to the further development
of archaeological research at Kalmar.
We expect the appointed post-doc to complete a research project within two
years. We especially invite projects that relate to our current research
interests which are described on the University’s research database (
General information about archaeology at Kalmar
can be found on our webpages

Applicants must have received their
Doctoral degree between 3 March 2006 and 2 March 2009. The
candidate should have previous experience in project work and a proven ability
both to produce academic work at international level and to attract external
research funding in academic competition.

The new post-doc will spend up to a maximum of 20% of his/her time on
teaching. Most of our teaching is held in Swedish but we are developing courses
in English too.

Deadline for receipt of applications is 2 March 2009. Further details concerning requirements for
applicants are available from Cornelius Holtorf,
Head of Archaeology at Kalmar:

The present announcement in English is an informal translation only. The
official job advertisement with full details is available at
. If you are not familiar with the Swedish application procedure please contact
us well before the deadline to seek advice. (There is no formal requirement of
Swedish language skills but much of the academic life in Kalmar takes place in Swedish and Swedish
skills or a commitment to acquire the language would be an advantage for any
international candidate.)


Cornelius Holtorf

Arkeologi, Humanvetenskapliga institutionen

Högskolan i Kalmar





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