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[Archport] Vagas para Curso Intensivo Europeu de Gestão do Património

To :   "ARCHPORT" <>
Subject :   [Archport] Vagas para Curso Intensivo Europeu de Gestão do Património
From :   "Luiz Oosterbeek" <>
Date :   Sun, 15 Mar 2009 16:51:15 -0000

O Instituto Politécnico de Tomar informa que estão disponíveis duas vagas para estudantes do Ensino Superior Português, não matriculados no Instituto Politécnico de Tomar, para o seguinte curso intensivo:



Intensive Programme



Plan of lectures and practical information



Instituto Politécnico de Tomar

(Museum of Prehistoric Art of Mação)

25th March – 5 April 2009




Overview of the Programme


Place: Museum of Prehistoric Art (Mação)


24 – Arrival to Mação

25 – Introductory field study: Tomar

26 – Introductory field study: Mação

27 – Introduction

28 – Value

29 – Conservation

30 – Communication of CH assets: Why

31 – Communication of CH assets: How

01 – Communication of CH assets: Products

02 – Communication of CH assets: Demonstrations

03 – Use

04 – Conclusions and Reports

05 – Assessment

06 – Departure





                The current programme builds from a long experience of co-operation among the partners, but wishes to include an approach closer to HERITY’s principles, which distinguish four main critical areas for the quality management of our common Cultural Heritage. Cultural Heritage stands at the core of European integration, in its diversity, as recognised after Mastricht. Its relevance derives from its identitarian dimension and its economic importance, namely in relation to tourism. The need to study, protect and disseminate the knowledge on European Heritage has long been recognised by all member states, and by UNESCO alike. Currently, several University diplomas are offered in Europe that deal with cultural heritage management. This has a direct relation to expansion of the labour market in this sector.

The structure of the IP comprises an introduction to the theoretical various understandings of QA, followed by case studies and the discussion of the specific Herity Global Evaluation System. The students will be introduced, after this, to specific assessment criteria and methodologies, including specific software. This way, he IP has a first “learn by concepts” part, followed by a “learn by doing” one.

The IP is open to 3rd year students of the first cycle of the Bologna model, and to the second (Master) cycle. In fact, being a module, it is of use for both cycles, with a similar ECTS accreditation.


The partnership


            The partnership includes 10 university partners that cover different cultural and disciplinary realities in the European Union. Instituto Politécnico de Tomar (PT) – the co-ordinator, a Polytechnic, has a long experience in this domain, having co-ordinated several IPs related to heritage issues. It lectures Heritage management at B.A. and Master level. Apart from the B.A., it is involved in an Erasmus Mundus project, with M.N.H.Naturelle, U.R. Virgili and U. Ferrrara. University of Gotland (SW) – is a former Polytechnic with a vast experience in Heritage management, including the support of the Vikings’ Heritage route and the world Heritage site of Visby. The department has been associatd to previous IP on Heritage management and collaborate with Tomar in several projects. Universitá degli Studi di Ferrara (IT) – it lectures a Laurea in cultural Heritage and co-ordinates the mentioned Erasmus Mundus project. It has a vast experience in international co-operation, within Erasmus and many other programmes. University of Technology, Brno (CZ) – this technical university brings to the project the special focus on industrial heritage. It has been a part of a previous IP on Heritage management, and is deeply committed to the implementation of total quality in the Tcheque Republic. Latvian University of Agriculture (LV) – also a partner in the previous IP on Heritage management, it brings to the project the sector of Landscape architecture. It involves students in this field, namely in relation to landscape planning. Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle (FR) – this University lectures at Master level and is engaged in the Erasmus Mundus network and has a long tradition in Museum studies and archaeological sites management. These sites are part of the background training of the IP students. Universitat Rovira I Virgili (ES) – offers BA and Master education, being part of the Erasmus Mundus network and having a long experience in museums and sites management. Université Valahia de Targoviste (RO) has a major strategic investment in Heritage teaching programmes and has a wide co-operation with the co-ordinator. University of Vilnius (LT) has, for long, occupied a leading role in total quality studies, and its BA and Master students and staff will become from this area. University of Istanbul (TR) has a long experience in heritage management and assures a transversal European vision open to Asiatic contributions.

                The project has been thoroughly discussed by all partners, also with the consultancy of HERITY. The programme contents are secured in articulation among them.



Detailed Programme

(all sessions will be presented and discussed in English)


March 25th

9h00 – Opening session: aims and structure of the IP

9h30 – Visit to Tomar and Vila Nova da Barquinha

18h00 - Return


March 26th

10h00 – Visit to the Ocreza valley

14h00 – Lunch

15h00 – Visit to Mação’s urban centre

16h00 – Mila Simões Abreu (UTAD; Cambridge University) – Communicating Prehistoric Art: the international social movement to save Foz Côa

17h00 – End of session

18h00 – All participants are invited to the special session in the ITM facilities: Tribute to Emílio Simões de Abreu "Ended in sight but not in the heart” (Umbundo saying)

Emílio Simões de Abreu -  26 de Março de 1909 - 5 de Abril de 2000 – Recordações, by Mila Simões de Abreu 

Readings of tales from the book, by Enide Simões de Abreu and Gioconda Simões de Abreu.  

19h00 – Rock Art from Angola, by Cristina Martins. 

19h15 – In memoriam of Emmanuel Esteves, by Mila Simões de Abreu and Cristina Martins 

19h30 – Website and book"Lendas de Angola”

20h00Dinner party (due payment): Muambada...  

21h00 – Doccumentary "Escape from Luanda"  



March 27th – Museum of Prehistoric Art (Mação)

Introduction: international scenarios and challenges for the recognition of critical areas in CHM

9h15 – Luiz Oosterbeek, Maurizio Quagliuolo: course introduction

9h30 – Luiz Oosterbeek (IP Co-ordinator, Instituto Politécnico de Tomar, UISPP, HERITY International) – Heritage and evaluation

11h00 – Coffee-break

11h30 – Helena Zemankova (Brno Technological University) – Introduction and specific aims of the workshop “How to seize Mação’s territory, its architecture and traditions, and to renew it, to transform it?”

13h00 – Lunch

15h00 – Jorge Rodrigues (Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian; Herity Portugal Co-ordinator; Universidade Nova de Lisboa) – On what basis a visitor will return to and/or advice to go to a site

16h30 – Coffee-break

17h00 – Mihai Mieila (Tagoviste University) – Measurement of Quality Initiatives

18h00 – End of session



March 28th – Museum of Prehistoric Art (Mação)

Value: Signs, meanings, valorization as a base for management decisions in Conservation, Diffusion and use of the Cultural Heritage

9h00 – Virgilio Correia (MMC Director)

10h30 – Coffee-break

11h00 – Isabel Victor (Museu do Trabalho) – Assessing quality in Cultural Heritage Management

12h30 - Lunch

14h30 – Round table: What and how to evaluate.

Participants: Maurizio Quagliuolo (HERITY), Clara Camacho (Rede Portuguesa de Museus), Luís Mota Figueira (Instituto Politécnico de Tomar) introductions folowed by open debate

17h00 – End of session



March 29th – Museum of Prehistoric Art (Mação)

Conservation of CH assets

9h30 – João Coroado (IPT) – Conservation: beyond material concerns

11h30 – Coffee-break

12h00 – Marine Foucher (MNHN) – An over view of the molecular preservation in bones and the possibilities of caracterisation.

12h30 – Lunch

14h30 – Mara Urtane (LU) – Balancing use and preservation

15h30 – Izabella Parowicz – Marketing Cultural Heritage Conservation

16h00 – Debate

17h00 – End of session





March 30th – Museum of Prehistoric Art (Mação)

Communication of CH assets – Why?

9h00 – Renaldas Gudauskas (VU) – Communication, Knowledge and Cultural Heritage

10h50 – Direct connection with TV broadcast channel RTP

11h00 – Discussion

12h30 - Lunch

14h30 – Journalists’ debate

15h30 – Luís Raposo

16h30 – Coffee-break



March 31st – Museum of Prehistoric Art (Mação)


Communication of CH assets – How?

9h00 – Hália Santos (Instituto Politécnico de Tomar)

11h00 – Jorge Cerveira Pinto (Director General, INOVA) – Heritage and Cultural Event Management – Threats and Opportunities

12h30 - Lunch

14h30 – Journalist to announce

15h30 – João Pedro Ferreira (Diário de Notícias, journalist)

16h30 – Cinta Bellmunt (Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Communication) – "Acciones de comunicación: una reflexión desde el IPHES y la URV"



April 1st – Museum of Prehistoric Art (Mação)


Communication of CH assets – Products

9h00 – Helena Zemankova (Brno Technological University), Lucie Eibensteinerova (BTU), Oldřich Navrátil (BTU), Radovan Zelík (BTU) – A Transformations one day workshop: Comment prendre le territoire de Maçao, son architecture et ses traditions, et le renouveller, le transformer?



April 2nd – Museum of Prehistoric Art (Mação)


Communication of CH assets – Demonstrations

9h00 – Vítor Teixeira, Renata Faria Barbosa (Benefits and Profits) – Communication instruments of the Museum of Mação

9h40 – Cidália Delgado (CIAAR) – CIAAR and the ArqueoNews service

10h00 Gaia Marnetto – Communication itineraries in Science Museums

10h30 Sara Cura, Pedro Cura – Didactic resources in the Museum of Mação: past and present education trough archaeology

11h00 – Cristiane Buco (ITM, UTAD, CAPES) – Communication in the Serra da Capivara Park

11h30 – Marta Arzarello (UniFe) - Lithic technology as a means of communication

12h00 – David Pleurdeau (MNHN) - Natural and cultural heritages in the region of the Erongo (Central-West Namibia)

12h30 - Debate

13h00 – Lunch

15h00 – Presentations by IP students


17h00 – End of session



April 3rd – Museum of Prehistoric Art (Mação)


Use (introduction)

Round Table: Heritage Use: culture and economics

10h00 – José Portugal (QP), Elísio Summavielle/João Pedro Cunha Ribeiro (IGESPAR), Luís Campos e Cunha (UNL)

13h00 – Lunch

15h00 – Helene Martinsson-Wallin (GU) – Cultural Heritage Management in an International Perspective

16h00 – Presentations by students

17h00 – HERITY Portugal meeting (restricted)



April 4th – Museum of Prehistoric Art (Mação)


9h30 – Presentations by students

13h00 – Lunch

14h30 – Round table with students and debate with local authorities


April 5th – Museum of Prehistoric Art (Mação)


9h30 Assessment of students





Please, fill in and send, together with the documents needed, to / Por favor preencha e envie, juntamente com os documentos solicitados, para:


Instituto Politécnico de Tomar, Gabinete de Relações Internacionais, A/C. Cláudia Fidalgo, Av. Cândido Madureira, nº 13, 2300-531 Tomar (Portugal),

Tel. (00351) 249 346 363 Fax. (00 351) 249346366


Taxa de frequência do curso: 250,00 €




FIRST NAME/NOME ___________________________________________________

SURNAME/APELIDO ________________________________________________

QUALIFICATION/HABILITAÇÕES ________________________________________

DATE OF BIRTH / DATA DE NASCIMENTO _________________________________

SEX (MALE / FEMALE) / SEXO (MASCULINO / FEMININO) ____________________

NATIONALITY ________________________________________________________                       

ADDRESS/ENDEREÇO____________________________________ ___________


____________________________________ PROVINCE/REGIÃO _______________

TEL. ________________________ FAX __________________________________

E-MAIL ____________________ Nº Contribuinte/CPF _______________________





 HIGH EDUCATION INSTITUTION/ INSTITUIÇÃO DE ENSINO SUPERIOR__________________________________________________________

SUBJET AREA / ÁREA DE ESTUDO_____________________________________

TITLE OF FINAL DEGREE / GRAU ATRIBUIDO NO DIPLOMA FINAL  _______________________________________________________







TITLE/ TÍTULO _____________________________________________________________________









ARRIVAL/CHEGADA ____/____/____ DEPARTURE/PARTIDA ____/____/____






- Identity card or passport / Bilhete de Identidade ou passaporte;

- Student card or a declaration of your home institution / Cartão de Estudante ou declaração da instituição onde estuda.


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