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[Archport] Workshop Showcases Inside Out

To :   Archport <>, Histport <>, Museum <>
Subject :   [Archport] Workshop Showcases Inside Out
From :   Paula Menino Homem <>
Date :   Sun, 26 Apr 2009 22:09:21 +0100

Dear colleague,


I’m delighted to send you the following information. Please, all the dissemination you may do of it will be most appreciated.


Thank you for the collaboration and hope we may see each other in May, in Porto.


Paula Menino Homem



NB. Apologies for cross-posting.



The Workshop SHOWCASES INSIDE OUT will be held in Porto, Portugal, from 24th  to 26th  May 2009, in the Anfiteatro Nobre of the Faculty of Arts of the University of Porto (FLUP - Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto).  Post-workshop activities related with the topic (one lecture and two seminars) will be held on the 27th at the same venue.

Showcases are, no doubt, a very important part of museums' exhibition furniture. Its design, manufacture and location aim not only to protect and preserve collections, but also to enhance their value, providing their adequate access and interpretation to visitors.

Museums always want to present their collections elegantly and attractively while still ensuring them the best possible protection. Nevertheless, it's sometimes difficult to harmoniously integrate the aesthetic and functional requirements inherent to the museums communication and preservation policies and strategies, especially when budgets are not proportional. A risk assessment and cost-benefit analysis, sustained in scientific research results allied to best practices experiences, guidelines and standards, is not easy but essential in order to prevent the lost, the damage and the lost of value to collections and discomfort or disappointment to visitors.

The main objectives of this meeting are to present and discuss showcases real and potential efficiency and effectiveness while presenting, discussing and disseminating results of research related with the topic and new technologies and resources to support policy making and implementation of sustainable strategies. This will be done through specialists' presentations, round table discussion and a Show Room, with showcases manufactures and environmental management tools and devices suppliers.

If you are anyhow interested in the topic, we invite you to visit the website of the event ( and to register yourself. Your participation will be most welcomed.

This meeting is an initiative organised in the framework of COST Action D42 - Chemical Interactions between Cultural Artefacts and Indoor Environment (ENVIART) and co-organised by the Department of Heritage Studies (Departamento de Ciências e Técnicas do Património), FLUP.


For further information on the Workshop and post-Workshop programme, Show Room, registration or other related with venue, please contact:



Fátima Lisboa & Cláudia Moreira

Gabinete de Eventos, Comunicação e Imagem

Via Panorâmica, s/n, 4150 – 564 Porto, Portugal

Tel.: (+351) 226077123/05 Fax.: (+351) 226077173



Local Organizer Contact Person

Paula Menino Homem

DCTP/FLUP – MC Delegate COST D42

E.mail:  /


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