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[Archport] Contextualizando o universo mágico...

To :   "archport" <>, "arqueohisp" <>
Subject :   [Archport] Contextualizando o universo mágico...
From :   José d'Encarnação <>
Date :   Thu, 7 May 2009 11:45:52 +0100

    É com todo o gosto que dou conhecimento de uma inciitiva que poderá ser de interesse.
    Foi-me transmitida pelo Secretariado da Associação Internacional de Epigrafia Grega e Latina e, daí, vir em inglês, dado que se trata de uma reunião científica de âmbito internacional.
                                              J. d'E.

CALL FOR PAPERS: International conference on ?Contextualizing Magic?. Rome, November 2009.


The Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, together with the Soprintendenza Speciale per i beni archeologici di Roma (Ministero per i beni e Attività culturali), is organising an international conference on ancient magic under the title ?Contextualizing Magic?, to be held in Rome at the Palazzo Massimo alle Terme on 4?6th. November 2009. The recent finds in the Fountain of Anna Perenna at Rome and in the joint temple of Isis and Mater Magna in Mainz have have produced important new information about magic rituals and their relation to religion in the Ancient World, and renewed interest in the contexts (archaeological, social, intellectual) of such rituals.

The Scientific Committee is formed, besides the organizers (Francisco Marco Simón, Marina Piranomonte and Richard Gordon,), by A. Bottini (Director of the Soprintendenza Speciale per i beni archeologici di Roma ), R. Olmos Romera (Director of the Escuela Española de Historia y Arqueología in Rome), G. Piccaluga (Università della Sapienza, Roma) and  Ch. Faraone (University of Chicago). As the organizers of the event, we invite potential participants to submit proposals for papers, which will be scrutinised by the Scientific Committee. Please send the title and a summary of the proposed contribution (about 200-300 words) to the Secretary of the Congress:


Silvia Alfayé Villa (<>)

Departamento de Estudios Clásicos.

Universidad del País Vasco.

Vitoria/Gastéiz (España).


Giulia Bison (<>)

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