----- Original Message -----
From: Vitor Oliveira Jorge
Sent: Wednesday, August 05, 2009 12:59 PM
Subject: TAG session 2009 - call for papers - agradeço o favor de
divulgares Irei coordenar esta sessão no TAG 2009 (Durham, UK): http://www.dur.ac.uk/tag.2009/index.html Archaeologists as contemporary critical thinkers Organised by: Vitor O. Jorge (University of Porto, vitor.oliveirajorge@gmail.com) STATUS OF THIS SESSION: Still accepting papers. ABSTRACT Right from the beginning of archaeology as a ?science? during the 19th century, archaeologists, like any other social scientists at the time, tried to elaborate a ?theory? of ?man? and of ?society?. Implicitly or explicitly, this ?theory? was, and still is, meshed with ?practice?. Theory and practice are combined in fieldwork, in the production archaeological texts (reports included) and the presentation of ?results? to the general public. This session aims to think critically about archaeology in the modern world, paying particular attention to those debates and enquires that have preoccupied modern thinkers in the last decades. What are the contributions that archaeology has made to modern dialogue in the social sciences? If we want that the production and diffusion of our work have some effect beyond the purely academic world, how do we integrate it into a modern politics of knowledge? That is the challenge of this session, calling for papers that are situated in the interface of archaeology and a politics of knowledge, i.e., of a critical thinking and action. Estou naturalmente aberto à recepção de propostas de papers. Obrigado. Cordiais saudações Vitor Oliveira Jorge -- Prof. Univ. Porto; CEAUCP? s researcher http://www.architectures.home.sapo.pt http://configuracoes.planetaclix.pt http://www.uc.pt/uid/cea/investigadores/investigadoresphd/vojorge blog: http://trans-ferir.blogspot.com/ http://www.authorsden.com/vitoroliveirajorge http://vitoroliveira101.hi5.com |
Mensagem anterior por data: [Archport] Recrutamento de Colaboradores | Próxima mensagem por data: [Archport] Uso de ferramentas por primatas alarga limites da arqueologia |
Mensagem anterior por assunto: [Archport] TAG 2014-MANCHESTER: Registration is now open. | Próxima mensagem por assunto: [Archport] talvez com interesse |