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[Archport] Libya: Ancient Roman city found off coast

To :   archport <>
Subject :   [Archport] Libya: Ancient Roman city found off coast
From :   Alexandre Monteiro <>
Date :   Sat, 5 Dec 2009 09:34:44 +0000

Libya: Ancient Roman city found off coast

ADN Kronos, 4/12/09

Rome, 4 Dec. (AKI) - Italian archaeologists have discovered the
remains of an ancient Roman city submerged off the coast of Libya. The
remains of the city date back to the 2nd century A.D. and were found
by archaeologists and experts from Sicily and the University Suor
Orsola Benincasa of Naples, involved in the ArCoLibia archaeology

The discovery took place on the Cape of Ras Eteen on the western side
of Libya's Gulf of Bumbah, as archaeologists were searching the area
for shipwrecks and the remains of ancient ports.

Archaeologists instead found walls, streets, and the remains of
buildings and ancient tombs. After a careful analysis, the experts
realised the area extended for over a hectare.

Experts also said that the city could have been destroyed by a strong
tsunami after an earthquake which struck the eastern coastal region of
Cyrenaica in 365 A.D.

According to a statement released by Sicilian authorities, the city
flourished through the manufacture of imperial dye, a purple pigment
used to colour the clothing of the Roman elite.

The dye was very expensive in Roman times.

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