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[Archport] Fwd: [ICAHM Listserv] 2nd International School on the Characterization of Organic Residues in Archaeological Materials

To :   archport <>
Subject :   [Archport] Fwd: [ICAHM Listserv] 2nd International School on the Characterization of Organic Residues in Archaeological Materials
From :
Date :   Mon, 17 May 2010 12:02:22 +0100

----- Mensagem encaminhada
Assunto: [ICAHM Listserv] 2nd International School on the Characterization of Organic Residues in Archaeological Materials

The second International School on the Characterization of Organic
Residues in Archaeological Materials  (2nd - ISCORAM)  is going to be
held in Siena (Certosa di Pontignano)- June, 14th-18th.

Please see the attched information and the site

The preliminary program is now available

If you have any question, please contact, or write

----- Finalizar mensagem encaminhada -----

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Mensagem anterior por assunto: [Archport] Fwd: HAPPENINGs 2013: oportunidades para sus estudiantes en Sicilia Próxima mensagem por assunto: [Archport] Fwd: [ICAHM Listserv] 2nd International School on the Characterization of Organic Residues in Archaeological Materials