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[Archport] EDITAL BOLSA investigação. RUPSCIENCE. Analysis of the operational chains, archaeometry and chronology of Rock Art Paintings. An approach to materials technology of Portugal, Spain and Colombia's contexts

To :   "ARCHPORT" <>
Subject :   [Archport] EDITAL BOLSA investigação. RUPSCIENCE. Analysis of the operational chains, archaeometry and chronology of Rock Art Paintings. An approach to materials technology of Portugal, Spain and Colombia's contexts
From :   "Luiz Oosterbeek" <>
Date :   Sun, 8 Aug 2010 05:38:51 +0100

Title: Announcement



Research Grants FCOMP-01-0124-FEDER-010488

 (Ref.. FCT - PTDC/HIS-ARQ/101299/2008)



In the framework of a project in course in the Polytechnic of Tomar (IPT) funded by the Fundação para a Ciência e Technologia (FCT) and by the COMPETE - FEDER, a call for applications is open, from the 1st of August until the 6th of September, for one Research Grant.


The grant is expected to start in September 2010 and have the following duration:


Grant Ref. 1 - 12 month duration (liable to be extended up to 34 month),  in the field of Rock art archaeometry, under the framework of the project "RUPSCIENCE - Analysis of the operational chains, archaeometry and chronology of Rock Art Paintings. An approach to materials technology of Portugal, Spain and Colombia’s contexts." (PTDC/HIS-ARQ/101299/2008).



Applicable legislation: Law 40/2004 of August 18 and the Grants’ Regulation of the Polytechnic of Tomar.


Project Coordinator: Pierluigi Rosina, PhD, Adjoint Professor of the IPT.


Amount of grants and payment procedures: according to national rules established by the Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia for grant awarding and Grants Regulation of the Polytechnic of Tomar.


Guidance and activities to be developed: Guidance of grant holders will be provided by the project coordinator and activities will comprise the different research fields included in the project, namely bibliographic collection and review, planning and conduction of experimental studies.


Admission requirements: Applicants must fulfil the following requirements:


a.   MSc or BSc with outstanding curriculum in Rock art and archaeometry (Physics and Chemistry) - preferentially - or Prehistoric Archaeology or Geology of the Quaternary or Archaeophysics;

b.   Preference is given to applicants interested in proceeding to doctoral studies;

c.   Very good knowledge of English;

d.   Preference is given to applicants with knowledge of GIS database.


Application Term: until September 6th. Applications must be sent by mail and include:


  • Curriculum vitae;
  • Cover Letter mentioning the grant; 
  • Certificate of academic qualifications (optional at an early stage; in this case applicants should provide the necessary elements for evaluation, particularly the final grade of degree);
  • Any other relevant documents.


Selection: Selection of applicants will be done by a jury composed of the project coordinator and three more investigators with base on curriculum evaluation and possibly on an individual interview.


Address for remittance of applications: Applications should be sent, until the 6th of September, to Instituto Politécnico de Tomar (Referencing "Call for Applications to Research Grants Project PTDC/HIS-ARQ/101299/2008) to the attention of Professor Pierluigi Rosina, Landscape, Archaeology and Heritage Department, Estrada da Serra, 13, 2300 Tomar - Portugal within the abovementioned term.



The Project Coordinator                                            16/07/2010












 European Union-FSE/FEDER                                     

Mensagem anterior por data: [Archport] Los Bañales Próxima mensagem por data: [Archport] Resposta automática para ausência do escritório: [#24695770] EDITAL BOLSA investigação. RUPSCIENCE. Analysis of the operational chains, archa eometry and chronology of Rock Art Paintings. An approach to materials technology of Portugal, Spa in and Colombia's contexts
Mensagem anterior por assunto: [Archport] edições Unidade Arqueologia Universidade Minho Próxima mensagem por assunto: [Archport] Editorial - "Novo SEC, novo OE: o Património no Estado - parte II: políticas"