Reencaminho esta
mensagem, que receberá, decerto, bom acolhimento por parte dos
J. d'E.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, October 03, 2010 4:02 PM
Subject: JIIA News
Je souhaiterais vous présenter
l'initiative, née en 2003, du JIIA 'Journal of Intercultural and
Interdisciplinary Archaeology' , ce portail de
présentation à valeur ajoutée est relié au 'JIIA Eprints Repository' (Open
Access Repository OAI-PMH compliant) URL: ( New
entries s.v. Feugére, Michel) Nous précisons que cette initiative est
sans aucun but commercial ni lucratif.
Nous avons la forte
conviction qu'il est nécessaire de promouvoir à travers le 'JIIA Eprints
Repository' (Open Access Repository OAI-PMH compliant - URL: ), un
savoir libre, qui se diffuse plus rapidement et sur lequel peut naître
tout aussi vertigineusement du nouveau savoir, c'est d'ailleurs une
procédure quotidienne et consolidée désormais depuis quelques décennies
dans les domaines scientifiques les plus élevés ; les référentiels et PLOS, Public Library of Science, en sont le témoignage le
plus probant.
Journal of
Intercultural and Interdisciplinary Archaeology (JIIA) online since 10
october 2003, is a container of resources in perspective of Open
Knowledge, Open Content, Digital Libraries; it is made up of a
presentation portal ( ) and of an Open Access Repository (,
specialized in archaeological research. ( New
entries s.v. Feugére, Michel) The scientists usually put into Open
Archives to make freely accessibile your research (physicists, scientists,
etc.), the archaeologists instead are very different from others
scientists because they don't disseminate online their research
( The Open Archives Initiative Protocol for
Metadata Harvesting, OAI-PMH, is a low-barrier mechanism for repository
interoperability. Data Providers are repositories that expose structured
metadata via OAI-PMH. Service Providers then make OAI-PMH service requests
to harvest that metadata. OAI-PMH is a set of six verbs or services that
are invoked within HTTP. In
this architecture 'JIIA Eprints Repository' is a Data
Provider. The project Open
Access to Archaeological Research consists in doing an intercultural
archaeology, in perspective of development, promotion and diffusion of
scientific archaeological culture.
Yours sincerely Antonella
D'Ascoli Director of 'Journal of Intercultural and Interdisciplinary