The Western Roman Atlantic Façade: A Study of the Economy and
Trade in the Mar Exterior from the Republic to the Principate Edited by C. Carreras
and R. Morais BAR International Series 2162 2010 ISBN 978 1 4073 0706 0.
i‐x, 1‐294 illustrated throughout This book collects
evidence of the lively trade in the Contents: 1. An archaeological
perspective (C. Carreras) 2. The trade and the
means of transportation (R. Morais) 3. The costs of
transport in Hispania (P. 4. The Latin sea and
the Ocean conquest (II‐I BC) (C. Aranegui) 5. Formal Romanisation
and Atlantic projection of amphorae from the Vargas) 6. 8. Looking towards the
North (R. Morais) 9. Roman lighthouses in
the 10. The structure of
the Roman military supply: an explanatory model (C. Carreras) 11. Supplying armies in
the 12. Garrisons, military
logistics and civil population in the 13. Octavian’s
reforms (C. Carreras) 14. Demand and military
supply in the Northwest of Hispania throughout the early empire (A. Morillo) 15. Hispania: a
particular supply network (C. Carreras) 16. The incorporation
of the Baetican hinterland on the western supply during the 17. The Western African
amphorae ( 18. A case study from
the Haltern 70 amphorae (C. Carreras) 19. Brácara Augusta (R. Morais) 20. The mining area of Quinta da
Ivanta (R. Morais) 21. Rías Baixas and Vigo (Vicus
Eleni) (A. Fernández) 22. The example of
Astorga and León (C. Carreras) 23. A system of hybrid
market suggested by the Haltern 70 amphorae (R. Morais) 24. The Gaditan elites
and the figure of L. Cornelius Balbus (C. Carreras) 25. The Atlantic
traders: the Gaditan and Lusitanian elites (R. Morais) 26. Was there a true
Atlantic vocation in the first emperors? (R. Morais) 27. Conclusion: New
Atlantic frontier (C. Carreras & R. Morais). |
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