American Journal of Archaeology Online Reviews (January 2011) The American Journal of Archaeology publishes quarterly public-access book and museum reviews:http://www.ajaonline.org/index.php?ptype=oreview. These reviews are listed in the table of contents of the respective printed issue of the Journal and are available for free download on the Journal’s Web site. Below is a list of book and museum exhibition reviews published in tandem with our printed January 2011 issue (volume 115, number 1). We hope you enjoy. Visit our new blog to discuss the reviews: http://www.ajaonline.org/blog/ The Editors 
Book Reviews Metal Detecting and Archaeology Edited by Suzie Thomas and Peter G. Stone Reviewed by Derek Fincham http://www.ajaonline.org/pdfs/book_reviews/115.1/01_Fincham.pdf Chogha Mish. Vol. 2, The Development of a Prehistoric Regional Center in Lowland Susiana, Southwestern Iran: Final Report on the Last Six Seasons of Excavations, 1972–1978 By Abbas Alizadeh Reviewed by John R. Alden http://www.ajaonline.org/pdfs/book_reviews/115.1/02_Alden.pdf Dikili Tash, village préhistorique de Macédoine Orientale: Recherches franco-helléniques dirigées par la Société Archéologique d’Athènes et l’École française d’Athènes (1986–2001) By Haïdo Koukouli-Chryssanthaki, René Treuil, Laurent Lespez, and Dimitra Malamidou Reviewed by Michael Fotiadis http://www.ajaonline.org/pdfs/book_reviews/115.1/03_Fotiadis.pdf The Black Sea: Past, Present and Future: Proceedings of the International, Interdisciplinary Conference, Istanbul, 14–16 October 2004 By Gülden Erkut and Stephen Mitchell Reviewed by Lise Hannestad http://www.ajaonline.org/pdfs/book_reviews/115.1/04_Hannestad.pdf The Levant in Transition: Proceedings of a Conference Held at the British Museum on 20–21 April 2004 Edited by Peter J. Parr Reviewed by Graham Philip http://www.ajaonline.org/pdfs/book_reviews/115.1/05_Philip.pdf Ανασκαφές Μυκηνών II: To “Εργαστήριο” των Μυκηνών By Despoina Danielidou Reviewed by Margaretha Kramer-Hajos http://www.ajaonline.org/pdfs/book_reviews/115.1/06_Kramer-Hajos.pdf Colonial Encounters in Ancient Iberia: Phoenician, Greek, and Indigenous Relations Edited by Michael Dietler and Carolina López-Ruiz Reviewed by Duane W. Roller http://www.ajaonline.org/pdfs/book_reviews/115.1/07_Roller.pdf Sagalassos VI: Geo- and Bio-Archaeology at Sagalassos and in Its Territory Edited by Patrick Degryse and Marc Waelkens Reviewed by Peter Ian Kuniholm http://www.ajaonline.org/pdfs/book_reviews/115.1/08_Kuniholm.pdf Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum. Russia 17. Moscow 8: Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts. East Greek Pottery By Natalia Sidorova Reviewed by Tyler Jo Smith http://www.ajaonline.org/pdfs/book_reviews/115.1/09_Smith.pdf Tradition and Originality: A Study of Exekias By E. Anne Mackay Reviewed by Kathryn Topper http://www.ajaonline.org/pdfs/book_reviews/115.1/10_Topper.pdf More About Caeretan Hydriae: Addenda et Clarificanda By J.M. Hemelrijk Reviewed by Elisabeth Trinkl http://www.ajaonline.org/pdfs/book_reviews/115.1/11_Trinkl.pdf Greek Vase-Painting and the Origins of Visual Humour By Alexandre G. Mitchell Reviewed by Mark D. Stansbury-O’Donnell http://www.ajaonline.org/pdfs/book_reviews/115.1/12_Stansbury-ODonnell.pdf The Derveni Krater: Masterpiece of Classical Greek Metalwork By Beryl Barr-Sharrar Reviewed by Jasper Gaunt http://www.ajaonline.org/pdfs/book_reviews/115.1/13_Gaunt.pdf The Furniture and Furnishings of Ancient Greek Houses and Tombs By Dimitra Andrianou Reviewed by Lisa Nevett http://www.ajaonline.org/pdfs/book_reviews/115.1/14_Nevett.pdf Pour une archéologie du rite: Nouvelles perspectives de l’archéologie funéraire Edited by John Scheid Reviewed by Emily Miller Bonney http://www.ajaonline.org/pdfs/book_reviews/115.1/15_Bonney.pdf Latrinae et Foricae: Toilets in the Roman World By Barry Hobson Reviewed by Charalampos Dokos http://www.ajaonline.org/pdfs/book_reviews/115.1/16_Dokos.pdf Die Casa del Fauno in Pompeji (VI 12). Vol. 1, Bauhistorische Analyse. Die stratigraphischen Befunde und Funde der Ausgrabungen in den Jahren 1961 bis 1963 By Adolf Hoffmann and Andrea Faber Reviewed by Michele George http://www.ajaonline.org/pdfs/book_reviews/115.1/17_George.pdf The Roman Amphitheatre: From Its Origins to the Colosseum By Katherine E. Welch Reviewed by Sinclair Bell http://www.ajaonline.org/pdfs/book_reviews/115.1/18_Bell.pdf London’s Roman Amphitheatre: Guildhall Yard, City of London By Nick Bateman, Carrie Cowan, and Robin Wroe-Brown Reviewed by Sinclair Bell http://www.ajaonline.org/pdfs/book_reviews/115.1/18_Bell.pdf Bi’r Minayh: Report on the Survey 1998–2004 Edited by Ulrich Luft Reviewed by Steven E. Sidebotham http://www.ajaonline.org/pdfs/book_reviews/115.1/19_Sidebotham.pdf Kourion: Excavations in the Episcopal Precinct By A.H.S. Megaw Reviewed by Susan T. Stevens http://www.ajaonline.org/pdfs/book_reviews/115.1/20_Stevens.pdf 
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