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[Archport] Journal of Human Evolution

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Journal of Human EvolutionJournal of Human Evolution 

Volume 60, Issue 4,  Pages 319-522 (April 2011)

Special Issue: Early-Middle Pleistocene palaeoenvironments in the Levant 
Edited by Dr. Naama Goren-Inbar and Dr. Baruch Spiro
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 1.Editorial Board    

Page IFC 

 2.Preface to the special issue—Early-Middle Pleistocene Palaeoenvironment in the Levant    

Page 319 
Richard Klein

  Resources, resource utilization, and temporal trends at Gesher Benot Ya'Aqov.
 3.Extinction of water plants in the Hula Valley: Evidence for climate change   Original Research Article 

Pages 320-327 
Yoel Melamed, Mordechai Kislev, Ehud Weiss, Orit Simchoni

 4.Lentic Basommatophora molluscs and hygrophilous land snails as indicators of habitat and climate in the Early-Middle Pleistocene (0.78 Ma) at the site of Gesher Benot Ya‘aqov (GBY), Israel   Original Research Article 

Pages 328-340 
H.K. Mienis, S. Ashkenazi

 5.Dr. Shoshana Ashkenazi (1948–2010)    

Pages 341-342 
Henk K. Mienis, Yoram Yom-Tov

 6.Land, lake, and fish: Investigation of fish remains from Gesher Benot Ya‘aqov (paleo-Lake Hula)   Original Research Article 

Pages 343-356 
Irit Zohar, Rebecca Biton

 7.The Early–Middle Pleistocene faunal assemblages of Gesher Benot Ya‘aqov: Inter-site variability   Original Research Article 

Pages 357-374 
Rivka Rabinovich, Rebecca Biton

 8.The fossil Bovidae (Artiodactyla, Mammalia) from Gesher Benot Ya‘aqov, Israel: Out of Africa during the Early–Middle Pleistocene transition   Original Research Article 

Pages 375-386 
Bienvenido Martínez-Navarro, Rivka Rabinovich

  Dynamics of the Acheulian technocomplex in the Levant.
 9.Cultural conservatism and variability in the Acheulian sequence of Gesher Benot Ya‘aqov   Original Research Article 

Pages 387-397 
Gonen Sharon, Nira Alperson-Afil, Naama Goren-Inbar

 10.Studying post depositional damage on Acheulian bifaces using 3-D scanning   Original Research Article 

Pages 398-406 
Leore Grosman, Gonen Sharon, Talia Goldman-Neuman, Oded Smikt, Uzy Smilansky

  Archaeological and ecological dimensions of palaeoenvironment in the Levant.
 11.Strontium isotopes in Melanopsis sp. as indicators of variation in hydrology and climate in the Upper Jordan Valley during the Early–Middle Pleistocene, and wider implications   Original Research Article 

Pages 407-416 
Baruch Spiro, Shoshana Ashkenazi, Abraham Starinsky, Amitai Katz

 12.The isotope hydrology of quaternary climate change   Original Research Article 

Pages 417-427 
W.G. Darling

 13.The paleoclimate of the Eastern Mediterranean during the transition from early to mid Pleistocene (900 to 700 ka) based on marine and non-marine records: An integrated overview   Original Research Article 

Pages 428-436 
Ahuva Almogi-Labin

 14.Possible paleohydrologic and paleoclimatic effects on hominin migration and occupation of the Levantine Middle Paleolithic   Original Research Article 

Pages 437-451 
Amos Frumkin, Ofer Bar-Yosef, Henry P. Schwarcz

 15.Reconstructing Mid-Pleistocene paleovegetation and paleoclimate in the Golan Heights using the δ13C values of modern vegetation and soil organic carbon of paleosols  Original Research Article 

Pages 452-463 
Gideon Hartman

  Early-Middle Pleistocene palaeoenvironment, climate change, and archaeology in local and regional context.
 16.Microfaunal remains at Middle Pleistocene Qesem Cave, Israel: Preliminary results on small vertebrates, environment and biostratigraphy   Original Research Article 

Pages 464-480 
L.C. Maul, K.T. Smith, R. Barkai, A. Barash, P. Karkanas, R. Shahack-Gross, A. Gopher

 17.The Early–Middle Pleistocene environmental and climatic change and the human expansion in Western Europe: A case study with small vertebrates (Gran Dolina, Atapuerca, Spain)   Original Research Article 

Pages 481-491 
G. Cuenca-Bescós, M. Melero-Rubio, J. Rofes, I. Martínez, J.L. Arsuaga, H.-A. Blain, J.M. López-García, E. Carbonell, J.M. Bermudez de Castro

 18.Lower Paleolithic hominin ecology at the fringe of the desert: Faunal remains from Bizat Ruhama and Nahal Hesi, Northern Negev, Israel   Original Research Article 

Pages 492-507 
Reuven Yeshurun, Yossi Zaidner, Véra Eisenmann, Bienvenido Martínez-Navarro, Guy Bar-Oz

 19.Archaeological horizons and fluvial processes at the Lower Paleolithic open-air site of Revadim (Israel)   Original Research Article 

Pages 508-522 
Ofer Marder, Ariel Malinsky-Buller, Ruth Shahack-Gross, Oren Ackermann, Avner Ayalon, Miryam Bar-Matthews, Yonaton Goldsmith, Moshe Inbar, Rivka Rabinovich, Erella Hovers

 20.Editor History, Forthcoming Papers    

Page IBC 


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