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[Archport] European Society for the study of Human Evolution

Subject :   [Archport] European Society for the study of Human Evolution
From :   Núcleo de Arqueologia e Paleoecologia <>
Date :   Tue, 26 Jul 2011 09:47:24 +0100

European Society for the study of Human Evolution

The society promotes research into human biological and cultural evolution, by stimulating communication and cooperation between scientists, and raising public awareness and understanding.

Inaugural meeting:
Leipzig, 23 - 24 September 2011

*UPDATE* We have now completed the abstract review process for the 2011 ESHE Meeting. A downloadable pdf is available on our meetings page, as well as a provisional programme.

See our Meeting page for more details.


  • Participation in the ESHE Meeting will cost 20€ for students and 50€ for non-students.
  • To register for the meeting, the post-meeting excursion, and the pre-meeting EVAN Toolbox Training Day, please download the registration form here

Paper and Poster Presentations

  • Our external review process is now complete. A downloadable PDF of all accepted abstracts can be found here .

Attending the Meeting in Leipzig

  • Information about the meeting venue, Leipzig's Alte Handelsbörse (pictured above), is available here >[PDF]
  • Hotel information can be downloaded here >[PDF].

*Please Note that Leipzig is well-known for its trade fairs which attract a large number of visitors. Timely booking of your hotel room is therefore recommended.*

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