Gostaria de partilhar convosco, durante dois ou três dias, a versão
pré-editorial de um estudo sobre a "Narratio de Itinere Navali"
(Crónica do itinerário naval do cruzado anónimo que participou na 1ª
conquista de Silves, no decorrer da 3ª Cruzada). Contém uma abordagem da fonte documental do ponto de vista da geografia humana histórica e da linguística histórica. Neste último aspecto, conta com a participação da Dra. Maria Alice Fernandes, da Universidade do Algarve. Agradeço antecipadamente o Vosso interesse e comentários. Luis Fraga da Silva -------------------------- Iberia and Algarve In The “Narratio De Itinere Navali”: A Historical Geography Appraisal with a Philological Supplement Parte do livro "A German Third Crusader's Chronicle: De itinere navali", Dana Cushing, (Brill, Leiden, 2012). Extracto da apresentação. The study has four parts: The first part describes a classical application of medieval Historical Geography: the reconstitution of Iberian and North African political geography in 1189, from the point of view of a coeval literary source, the periplum-chronicle known as Narratio de Itinere Navali. It is a limited application, as it does not include the data of other contemporary documents of the same kind. In any case the Narratio is more than rich enough by itself to justify a dedicated geographical monograph. The approach followed focuses on the building up of geographical structures and representations based on a systematic analysis of all geographical features identified in the Iberian part of the text. I confine myself here to the chorographic/regional level of geographical scale, generally ignoring features at the topographic and the urban/built levels. The second part details elements of the historical geography of Portuguese Algarve related to places identified in the Narratio, particularly the castles dependent of Silves and the western part of the historical province. The third part summarizes a historical-linguistic approach of the Narratio as a source of coeval and older geographical information about the Algarve. The fourth part is a small atlas, with maps on the topics addressed. The last but no less important part is a philological supplement by Maria Alice Fernandes, with the linguistic history and phonetic reconstitution of all place-names of the Algarve in the Narratio. I must stress that bibliographical references and notes were kept to a minimum, adjusted to the concentrated nature of the digest. The selected bibliography listed at the end may serve as a convenient source of further references. The need to conjugate brevity with a large amount of information also led to the hard decision of replacing proper explanatory text with an overly schematic outline based on complex tables and diagrams. Link (PDF 18 MB): http://www.arkeotavira.com/correio/narratio/ianr.pdf |
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