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[Archport] Use-Wear 2012; Second announcement

Subject :   [Archport] Use-Wear 2012; Second announcement
From :   Use-Wear 2012 <>
Date :   Sun, 2 Oct 2011 18:14:48 +0100

Use-Wear 2012

International conference on Use-Wear analysis

10|11|12 – Faro, Portugal


Second announcement


1.     Call for contributed paper and posters

Individual submissions formats:

a) Contributed paper – these are submitted individually by the presenter, referring other authors if that is the case. Each presentation will take 20 minutes. Presentations may be made in English and FrenchProceedings will be published just in English.

b) Contributed poster – this contribution is particularly appropriate for research results that can be described graphically. Posters are especially encouraged and particularly effective for presentations communicating quantitative data.  The posters are submitted individually by the presenter and grouped by the Scientific Board around a specific theme into a poster session. Each poster can have a maximum dimension of A0 (portrait) paper size.

Both contributed paper and poster will be published in the proceedings book.

2.     Submission information:


Title of the paper or poster

Name of the authors, institution, email and address

Keywords (maximum 5 words)

Abstract (maximum 1100 characters)

Online registration:


3.     Participation limit

Each participant can only contribute as first author only in two roles (e.g., contributed paper and poster, two contributed papers or posters) in the entire congress.

4.     Registration payment

All participants need to pay the registration. The exceptions are the members of the scientific board and special invited speakers. The period of registration will be open at the Use-Wear 2012 website ( after June 30th, 2012:

                  150€ (until September 30th): online registration fee + proceedings

     175€: During conference fee + proceedings

5.     Deadlines

Submission of contributed papers and posters: until January 30th, 2012.

Announcement of the accepted papers and poster: June 30th, 2012.

Publication of the Use-Wear 2012 preliminary program: June 30th, 2012.

Online registration: from June 30th to September 30th

6.     Contact

Secretariado do Use-Wear 2012


Universidade do Algarve

Campus de Gambelas

8005 Faro, Portugal

Tel. 289 800 908

Fax. 289 818 560

E-mail:; - Nuno Bicho - Juan Gibaja - João Marreiros

Attachment: 2announcement_usewear2012.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

Mensagem anterior por data: [Archport] Dia Nacional dos Castelos - 8 de Outubro - Castelo de Montemor-o-Novo Próxima mensagem por data: Re: [Archport] Projecto "Grândola Subaquática"
Mensagem anterior por assunto: [Archport] Use-Wear 2012: Final program & Abstract book Próxima mensagem por assunto: [Archport] Usina de Belo Monte - crime contra o passado, o presente e o futuro