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BAR S2348 2012: La cerámica con decoración acanalada y bruñida en el contexto pre-campaniforme del Calcolítico de la Extremadura portuguesaNuevos aportes a la comprensión del proceso de producción de cerámicas en la Prehistoria Reciente de Portugal by Gonçalo De Carvalho Amaro. ISBN 9781407309347. £52.00. 390 pages; illustrated throughout. In Spanish with English summary.
The main objective of this work is the study of Pre Bell Beaker pottery belonging to the group known in the past as “Imported Pottery”. Items belonging to this group include those with channeled and burnished decoration such as cups, hemispherical bowls, and certain dishes that are common in the region of Estremadura (the central coastline of Portugal). This new research broadens our knowledge of these ceramics, using methods such as archaeometry and experimental archaeology, allowing not only enhanced characterization but also a redefinition of how they relate to other types of ceramics within the context of the Estremaduran Chalcolithic.