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[Archport] LAIS2012

To :   "archport" <>
Subject :   [Archport] LAIS2012
From :   José d'Encarnação <>
Date :   Sun, 3 Jun 2012 01:30:40 +0100


Dear Colleagues,


We have received a number of messages relating to abstracts submitted to LAIS2012 that were not received by the organizers.


We are informed that the problem has been resolved and was not specific to the address, but we have been unable to recover records of all messages.


If you have submitted an abstract to LAIS2012 and have not received a reply, please re-send it to both and, requesting a read receipt, and we will respond directly.


The deadline for reduced fees has been extended to 21st June to account for this.


We take the opportunity to invite contributions from any colleagues who did not submit an abstract but still wish to do so.


Warm regards,


Chris Burbidge

On behalf of the LAIS2012 organizing committee,




Ioannis Liritzis

LAIS President.

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