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[Archport] Quaternary International, Vol. 269, 2012

Subject :   [Archport] Quaternary International, Vol. 269, 2012
From :   Núcleo de Arqueologia e Paleoecologia <>
Date :   Sun, 15 Jul 2012 09:44:56 +0100

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Quaternary InternationalQuaternary International

Volume 269,  Pages 1-96, 14 August 2012

Inter-disciplinary Perspectives on Indian Paleoanthropology and Prehistory
Edited by Parth R. Chauhan and Rajeev Patnaik
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 1. Editorial board/ Aims & Scope   

Pages IFC-

 2. Inter-disciplinary perspectives on Indian paleoanthropology and prehistory   

Pages 1-8
Parth R. Chauhan, Rajeev Patnaik

 3. Were bamboo tools made in prehistoric Southeast Asia? An experimental view from South China   Original Research Article

Pages 9-21
Ofer Bar-Yosef, Metin I. Eren, Jiarong Yuan, David J. Cohen, Yiyuan Li

 4. Were there stone-tipped armatures in the South Asian Middle Paleolithic?   Original Research Article

Pages 22-30
August G. Costa

 5. Mountain environment and early human adaptation in NW Himalaya, India: A case study of Siwalik Hill Range and Leh valley   Original Research Article

Pages 31-37
R.K. Ganjoo, S.B. Ota

 6. Communities in stone: Translating from artefact clusters, topography and structure to cultures in the everyday in Jharkhand   Original Research Article

Pages 38-47
Abhik Ghosh

 7. Lithic industries with Palaeolithic elements in Northeast India   Original Research Article

Pages 48-58
Manjil Hazarika

 8. Hominin migration in South Asia and raw material sources in the Banas-Berach basin   Original Research Article

Pages 59-67
Teresa P. Raczek

 9. Comment on Raczek, T. P. Hominin migration in South Asia and raw material sources in the Banas-Berach Basin. Quaternary International (2012), 269, 59�67   

Pages 68-
Sheila Mishra

 10. New muroid rodent andSivapithecusdental remains from the Lower Siwalik deposits of Ramnagar (J&K, India): Age implication   Original Research Article

Pages 69-73
Ramesh Kumar Sehgal, Rajeev Patnaik

 11. Palaeolithic occupation of southern Tamil Nadu, India: New evidence from south of the river Kaveri   Original Research Article

Pages 74-86
V. Selvakumar, S.N. Rajaguru, Richa Jhaldiyal

 12. Did the 73 ka Toba super-eruption have an enduring effect? Insights from genetics, prehistoric archaeology, pollen analysis, stable isotope geochemistry, geomorphology, ice cores, and climate models   Original Research Article

Pages 87-93
Martin Williams

 13. Comments on: �An anthropogenic modification in anEremotheriumtooth from northeastern Brazil�   

Pages 94-96
Alex Hubbe, Paulo M. Haddad-Martim, Mark Hubbe, Walter A. Neves


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N� de Arqueologia e Paleoecologia
Universidade do Algarve
Campus de Gambelas
8005-139 Faro, PORTUGAL


Mensagem anterior por data: [Archport] Vagas nas escavações ods Perdigões Próxima mensagem por data: [Archport] Informação completa do Forum : SAVING EUROPE’S ENDANGERED HERITAGE
Mensagem anterior por assunto: [Archport] Quaternary International, Vol. 264, 2012 Próxima mensagem por assunto: [Archport] Quaternary Research Volume 74, Issue 3, Pages 301-424 (November 2010)