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[Archport] CALL FOR PAPERS First International Conference JEWISH HERITAGE – science, culture, knowledge (18th – 20th November 2012) Tomar, Portugal

Subject :   [Archport] CALL FOR PAPERS First International Conference JEWISH HERITAGE – science, culture, knowledge (18th – 20th November 2012) Tomar, Portugal
From :   Ana Tavares Martins <>
Date :   Mon, 30 Jul 2012 19:33:16 +0100

CALL FOR PAPERS: First International Conference JEWISH HERITAGE – science, culture, knowledge (18th – 20th November 2012) Tomar, Portugal


The AAST, Association of the Friends of the Synagogue of Tomar, in cooperation with the Municipal authorities of Tomar, the Portuguese Network of Jewish Quarters, the Israeli Community of Lisbon and the Polytechnic Institute of Tomar, invites you to the First International Conference on Jewish Heritage in Portugal – Science, Culture, Knowledge, which will take place in Tomar, Portugal, between the 18th and 20th November 2012.

 The call for the submission of contributions by researchers, professionals, experts and authors of works related to Jewish cultural heritage is now open. International stakeholders are highly welcome to attend and present to the participants the most recent findings related to the Jewish Heritage in Spain, Portugal and in in Tomar particularly. The contributions will ensure that Jewish cultural heritage is preserved through its ongoing study and preservation as well as through a potential and dynamic analysis of the role of Jewish wisdom nowadays.

 One of the goals of this conference is to discover and highlight new approaches to the themes covered (e.g. using ICT-Information and Communication Technologies) making it possible to enrich our current knowledge, as well as promoting an effective and pro-active exchange of ideas. This would ultimately position our Jewish Quarters, Synagogues and the Hebrew-Portuguese museum as knowledge hubs for all interested to investigate these topics.

 Authors are invited to submit original papers relating to the themes of the Conference. The contributions can take the form of written material (in Portuguese or English), sound files, photography, video or 3D presentations. The contributions can be submitted as:

 Full Papers: Research work already completed relating to one of the themes of the Conference with a maximum limit of 12 pages.

 Short Papers: Research work still not completed but with interesting preliminary results with a maximum limit of 6 pages.

 Relevant Data: topic presented as an original historical document, a sound file, photographic material, video or 3D file.

 The submission of written material, which will be reviewed by at least two members of the Scientific Committee, will have to conform to the format soon available at the AAST Web site (

 Authors of accepted full papers will have 12 minutes for presentation followed by 5 minutes of Q&A while authors of accepted short papers will have 8 minutes for presentation followed by 5 minutes of Q&A. Other authors presenting relevant data will be provided with space for the exhibition and presentation of their contribution.


The Proceedings of the Conference will be published in electronic format (CD/DVD) and will be available at the Conference Web site.

 Deadlines Papers (long and short): Submission: 15.09.2012, Acceptance: 30.09.2012, Final Submission: 15.10.2012

 Relevant data: Submission: 30.09.2012, Acceptance: 15.10.2012 Further information available at the AAST Web site

 Conference Themes

 T1 - History of Jews in Portugal

 T2 – Architecture and Archeology of Jews’ presence in Portugal

 T3 - Jewish Families with Portuguese roots

 T4 - Jews and the Discoveries

 T5 - Jews and the Kings of Portugal

 T6 – Jews, the Knights Templar and the Order of Christ

 T7 - The inquisition and the Jews

 T8 - Jewish presence in Portuguese literature

 T9 - Key Jews in science and knowledge in Portugal

 T10 - The Diaspora of Portuguese Jews

 T11 - Jews in Portugal in the 20th Century

 T12 - Crypto Jews in Portugal

 T13 - Jews and the international relations Israeli-Portugal

 T14 - Jewish refugees in Portugal during the second world war

 T15 - Salazar and Antissemitismo

 T16 – Digital Contents

 Conference Organizers Partners: Associação dos Amigos da Sinagoga de Tomar (AAST), chaired by João Schwarz da Silva, with the support of the Instituto Politécnico de Tomar, Câmara Municipal de Tomar (Town Hall), Portuguese Network of Jewish Quarters and Lisbon Israeli Community.

 President of the Scientific Committee: Joshua Ruah, Former President, Israeli Community of Lisbon (CIL); Vice-President: Irene Flunser Pimentel; Researcher at the Institute of Contemporary History of the Nova University of Lisbon and awarded with Prémio Pessoa (“ Person Award”) in Portugal. Vice-President: Esther Mucznik, researcher of Jewish issues and vice president of the CIL Vice- President: Maria José Ferro Tavares, Chatedratic Professor President of the Programme Committee: Prof. Carlos Rodarte Veloso, Instituto Politécnico de Tomar

 Chairman: Prof. José Ribeiro Mendes, Instituto Politécnico de Tomar, AAST

 The Portuguese synagogue of Tomar is the medieval synagogue (built between 1430 and 1460), which remained until today in its architectural structure. It was classified part of the Portuguese Heritage in 1921 and donated to the Portuguese state by Samuel Schwarz in 1939 with the objective of the establishment of a Jewish-Portuguese Museum.

 Press: Carlos Simões - Email: AAST.

 Prof. José Ribeiro Mendes, Instituto Politécnico de Tomar, AAST

 Carlos Simões (press)


 Visit the website at​?lng=EN

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