Call for Papers and Posters
Across Space and Time
Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology
Perth, Western Australia 25-28th March 2013
The CAA2013 PERTH conference 'Across Space and Time' will be held at the University Club of Western Australia from Tuesday 26 – Thursday 28 March 2013. Workshops will be held on Monday 25 March on the UWA campus.
CAA (Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology) is the premier international conference for all aspects of computing, quantitative methods and digital applications in Archaeology. With a history going back to 1972, CAA encourages participation from scholars, specialists and experts in the fields of archaeology, history, cultural heritage, digital scholarship, GIS, mathematics, semantic web, informatics and members of other disciplines that complement and extend the interests of CAA.
For further information about this exciting interdisciplinary conference see the website
Call for Papers and Posters
The CAA 2013 Organising Committee invites proposals for papers and posters relating to all aspects of computer applications, quantitative methods and digital applications in Archaeology and Cultural Heritage.
Paper and Poster proposals are due by 10th October 2012 (UTC).
Conference sessions
The conference will be comprised of over 40 sessions and workshops. The main themes of the conference include the following:
- Field and laboratory data recording
- Data management, analysis and the semantic web
- 3D modelling, visualisation and simulations
- Spatio-temporal modelling and GIS
- Remote sensing (long and short range)
- Users and interfaces: multimedia, museums and education
- Cultural heritage management and interpretation.
Papers which do not fit within any of the specified sessions may be submitted to the General Session and may be reassigned by the Review Committee as appropriate.
The list of proposed sessions and workshop is available online:
The CAA 2013 Conference will include several formats for the delivery of content, including the following:
- Paper sessions
Long paper sessions (LP):
A conventional format session of related 20 minute papers with 10 minute question time. Papers should present new and ground-breaking research.
Focus sessions (FS):
A session consisting of thematically-related 5 minute key-point presentations, an optional discussant to pull the theme together, followed by a room-based breakout organised around posters or demos presenting additional information to maximise networking. Note: Focus Session papers are not ‘short papers’, they are regarded as full papers.
- Roundtables
A panel addressing a specific topic or issue, coordinated by one or more individuals. Presentations of the speakers will normally be followed by a discussant and general discussion.
- Posters
A poster session will provide an opportunity for preliminary work to be presented and discussed directly with the presenter.
All research presented at CAA2013, regardless of the delivery format, may be submitted after the conference for publication in the peer reviewed conference proceedings.
- Workshops:
The conference will include a number of half and full day pre-conference workshops. Workshops will generally include practical work or other active participation of attendees.
How to Submit
Please submit your proposal via the CAA Open Conference System at
The CAA Open Conference Systems (OCS) submission tool will receive submissions starting the 21st August 2012 (UTC).
If you do not have a login, please create one at the ACCOUNT tab and select CAA2013. Make sure you check AUTHOR at the bottom of the registration form (if you do not select AUTHOR you will not be able to submit your proposal).
If you previously logged into the CAA Open Conference System (OCS) for the CAA 2012 Southampton conference, you can log with the same user name and password. Should you have log in problems, use the ‘Forgot your password?’ link on the LOG IN tab to recover your user name and a new password.
The abstract should consist of two parts: a 100 word short abstract, which will be used for the conference booklet, and an extended abstract up to 500 words, providing further information on which reviewers can assess the submission.
If you have any technical problems in uploading your submission please send an email to
Key Dates
14th August 2012: Call for Papers and Posters circulated
21st August 2012: OCS submission system open for submissions
10th October 2012: Paper and poster abstract submission deadline
November 2012: Accepted proposals posted on the CAA2013 conference webpage
November 2012: Conference booking system open.
We look forward to seeing your proposal and seeing you in Perth in 2013.
The CAA2013 Perth Across Space and Time
Organising Committee
Contact email:
Web site:
Dr Arianna Traviglia
CAA2013 Chair
Macquarie University, NSW Australia
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Mensagem anterior por data: Re: [Archport] Restituição fotogramétrica de fotos aéreas históricas (RAF, USAF e SPLAL) para a recuperação digital de paisagens culturais, | Próxima mensagem por data: [Archport] Newsletter DGPC Nº 10 |
Mensagem anterior por assunto: [Archport] CAA 2012 | Próxima mensagem por assunto: [Archport] CAAPortugal - congresso |