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Re: [Archport] Detectorismo em Inglaterra: a lei, as regras e a atenta intervenção policial

To :   Carlos Jorge Gonçalves Soares Fabiao <>
Subject :   Re: [Archport] Detectorismo em Inglaterra: a lei, as regras e a atenta intervenção policial
From :   Jorge Russo <>
Date :   Tue, 4 Sep 2012 19:48:02 +0100

 Alias, arrisco considerar que no que respeita ao património, haja maior número do segundo tipo que do primeiro, ou seja, ladrões sem detetor, no meio submerso então ...

No dia Terça-feira, 4 de Setembro de 2012, Jorge escreveu:
Estamos por conseguinte a falar de ladrões, não de detetiristas

Jorge Russo

No dia Terça-feira, 4 de Setembro de 2012, Carlos Jorge Gonçalves Soares escreveu:
Do sempre interessante blog de David Gill, "recorto" este recente post cuja leitura recomendo, sobretudo aos frequentadores deste site que gostam de louvar o detectorismo na Grã-Bretanha, sem mutas vezes saberem do que estão a falar.

O título podia ser: a lei, as regras e a atenta intervenção policial.

Sublinho um par de tópicos:

1. As queixas dos proprietários pela actuação não autorizada de detectoristas nos seus terrenos (o que constitui violação de propriedade);

2. A natureza das acusações: roubo; estar equipado para roubar; possuir objectos não declarados;

3. A actuação policial desenvolvida justamente com o objectivo de identificar os autores das práticas e recuperar os artefactos ilegalmente detidos pelos ladrões.

Espero que apreciem a leitura e que entendam de que falamos quando falamos de detecorismo por terras de Sua Magestade

Carlos Fabião

Looting matters<>
[] <>


Operation Totem: English heritage related crime<>

Posted: 29 Aug 2012 03:00 PM PDT

I have discussed the shortcomings of the Portable Antiquities Scheme in the Papers of the Institute of Archaeology<>. One of the concerns was under-reporting of finds by metal-detectorists.

I note that Operation Totem has yielded a "catch" in Lincolnshire ("Lenient sentence given to metal detecting thief<>", Horncastle News August 29, 2012).
A metal dectector enthusiast has been convicted of theft in so-called ‘nighthawking’ trips in the Horncastle area. [The individual from Yorkshire] faced nine allegations of theft between January 1 and July 8 2011, one allegation of going equipped for theft on June 5 and two allegations of possession of criminal property at his home on July 8.
He denied all the offences but was convicted of eight offences of theft and of going equipped for theft by District Judge John Stobart at Skegness Magistrates Court last week.
More detail is given:
After a police raid at his home in July 2011, police found a large quantity of objects  - brooches, coins, pins and seals - two of which were found to have precious metal content in excess of 10 per cent which should have been declared as treasure to the Coroner.
It also transpired that between July 2010 and May 2011, [the main] advertised 56 items on E-Bay and had sold approximately 30 of them. He had also entered the items referred to in the charges on to the UK Detectors database for recording finds. He stated they had all been found in May 2011 by him in Lincolnshire.
I notice that the other report from Horncastle ("Police send clear message sent to illegal nighthawkers<>", August 29, 2012) claims that the police worked in partnership with English Heritage "who were able to provide the support and advice on aspects of heritage-related crime". Sergeant Booth who led the investigation is quoted at length:
“Operation Totem was introduced to deal with concerns raised by members of the farming community who were suffering from persons illegally using metal detectors on their property.
“This was resulting in significant damage to crops and the loss of unique historic artefacts.
“A great deal of work was carried out by the officers involved in the operation to bring offenders to justice and to send out a clear message that illegal metal detecting and heritage crime will be taken seriously.
“Many people seem to hold the opinion t

Jorge Russo
Telemóvel: +351 91 938 7227

Jorge Russo
Telemóvel: +351 91 938 7227

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