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[Archport] European Association for Digital Humanities

Subject :   [Archport] European Association for Digital Humanities
From :   Vera Moitinho <>
Date :   Thu, 20 Sep 2012 11:33:22 +0200

ALLC small grants 2013 – deadline 15 November 2012

The European Association for Digital Humanities (ALLC) invites submissions for small grants for workshop and project support. Submissions are expected to be in the range from € 800 to € 2,000. The total amount available in this call is € 10,000.
Proposals must be received by 15 November, 2012. Notification of the results will be sent on 20 December 2012 at the latest.

More about the aims of the small grants can be found in the ‘General description of ALLC calls for workshops and projects’ at The requested format for proposals is described under 3, ‘Application procedure’ and the maximum length of a proposal is two pages.

The call is open to anyone active in Digital Humanities, although some connection to Europe is strongly recommended. As can also be gathered from the proposed name change, ALLC would from now on like to especially focus its support on the development of Digital Humanities in Europe, hoping to attract more researchers into the digital humanities and preferably also into membership of ALLC or one of the regional organisations.This means that the first item under 4, ‘Terms and conditions’, restricting submissions to registered ALLC-members only, does NOT apply for this call.

Submissions are to be sent by email to:

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Mensagem anterior por assunto: [Archport] Europeana Local Próxima mensagem por assunto: [Archport] : European Museum Advisors Conference 2012 - PORTUGAL | 29 May-2 June 2012