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[Archport] CONVITE - Congresso de Organologia 2013

To :   ARCHPORT <>, histport <>
Subject :   [Archport] CONVITE - Congresso de Organologia 2013
From :   ANIMUSIC-Portugal comunicação <>
Date :   Sun, 3 Feb 2013 19:56:14 +0000


Poderá interessar aos estimados colegas a vinda do Dr. Peter Holmes novamente a Portugal, sendo de destacar os seus estudos de Física e Doutoramento sobre Arqueologia Musical, e o facto de ser um dos pioneiros na reprodução de instrumentos históricos de metal (exemplos: lur, sino, carnyx e recentemente uma salpinx lateral, baseada em escultura existente no British Museum, onde fez uma conferência há poucos dias). O Dr. Peter Holmes é um dos convidados especiais do Congresso de Organologia, para o qual gostaríamos de vos convidar também a participar!

Agradecemos a divulgação do Convite e do anúncio para “Propostas de Comunicações”:


Encontro Científico Internacional para Estudos sobre Som e Instrumentos Musicais


International Scientific Meeting for Sound and Musical Instrument Studies


18-20 / 04 / 2013

Local: Universidade de Évora - University of Evora, Portugal




In furtherance of our principal aim of promoting the interchange of knowledge and experience in the field of musical instruments, the Organological Congress 2013 in Portugal will bring together scholars and all who are interested in the various subjects embraced by Organology, such as museology, engineering, acoustics, archaeology, history, applied arts, psychology, or in issues related to the performance or use of musical instruments (neuroscience, ergonomics, morphological anthropology, kinanthropometry or others). We are looking forward to the revealing of “new ideas”, new studies on instruments, new research methods, inventions and further developments of acquired scientific knowledge. While the main theme in 2013 will focus on innovation in sound studies and production and a strand of the congress will embrace this theme (see below), papers are welcomed from any branch of organology, in order to maintain our aim of representing this scientific area as an holistic whole.


We are inviting potential participants to submit abstracts (200-300 words) in English (international common language),  for lecture proposals (15+5 minutes for questions and handover), lecture-recital or recital proposals (30 minutes) or posters, in all topics related to Organology, including acoustic analysis, construction or study of the mechanics of instruments, museological concerns (collections, exhibition, conservation, media, public policies, etc.), iconography or performance issues. Papers are cross-related with the opportunity being provided for open sessions. We appreciate proposals which are original, technically excellent, and with a synthetic and critical posture. Presentations should be in English, wherever possible, but may also be in Portuguese, French or Spanish, provided that the presentational material (PowerPoint) is in English.


The title, abstract and a short biography (100 words) should be received by email (to: on or before the 20th of March of 2013, independently of time zone. The results will be communicated individually after being peer-reviewed by the scientific committee, not later than the 31st of March. Papers presented at the Organological Congress may be submitted for publication in the conference proceedings. Early registration is available during February and March. Participants are offered special discounts for flights by TAP.

Special guest speakers: Prof. Charles Besnainou, Dr. Peter Holmes, Prof. Eberhard Meinel, Prof. Jeremy Montagu, Prof. Arnold Myers

Organisation and financial support: ANIMUSIC-Portugal; UnIMeM; IIFA; University of Evora; Goethe Institut; Foundation for Science and Technology, Portugal

TAP-Portugal is the official flight carrier, supporting the Organological Congress 2013; discounts available after contact.


For further and updated information please check the website: or contact us at:



Leading to new ideas : innovation from past, present and future

By identifying crossroads of diversified knowledge, this meeting will facilitate the interchange of ideas, bringing people together from various fields and expanding awareness of what exists and what might exist. Beyond the reinvention of the past, using a limitless imagination regarding the building of instruments with traditional materials, the bridge to new technology has been crossed to access a new world of sound exploration. Wonderful possibilities have been opened up with the advances in technology, both in the study of the lost past or the surviving objects of the present, as well as in the development of innovative instruments, paving the way to a future whose potential remains unimaginable even for the workers on the cusp of these developments, let alone the general public. Different perspectives will be presented at this conference, for the observation of the intersection of sound with everyday life, the physical and psychological effects of listening and playing, the interconnectivity or the regional particularities observed in the various collections around the world, or for cultural originality of any kind.  Researchers, constructors, inventors, curators, traders, artists, and all interested in this unlimited journey will gather to debate the inventive spectrum of ‘sound’ production and musical composition and also to investigate what has lead the human to value organised sound so greatly and what drives us on to expand the world of sound continuously, ensuring that the one predictable thing about the future of human sound tools will be their unpredictability. Sound and creation, from time immemorial into the future.



» CONFERÊNCIA-CONFERENCE “Art and Science” at the Goethe Institut in Lisbon, 17th of April, 19h00, Biblioteca, free entrance: Lecture in the form of a dialogue, where the relationship between the development of the organological science and the arts is illustrated by Dr. Patricia Bastos, President of ANIMUSIC, and also where examples of schools of musical instrument construction and research carried out in Germany are shown by Prof. Eberhard Meinel, Director of the Studiengang Musikinstrumentenbau from the University of Applied Sciences in Zwickau, Germany.

» EXPOSIÇÃO-EXHIBITION OF MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS (during the Congress): Palácio do Vimioso, Universidade de Évora, Portugal


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