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[Archport] Bolsa de Pós-doc Arqueobotânica

Subject :   [Archport] Bolsa de Pós-doc Arqueobotânica
From :   Joao Tereso <>
Date :   Thu, 7 Feb 2013 22:12:27 +0000

Foi aberto concurso para uma bolsa de pós-doc de 30 meses na área da Arqueobotânica, no CIBIO (Centro de Investigação em Biodiversidade e Recursos Genéticos), Porto. Tenham em atenção que o prazo de candidatura é um pouco apertado.


Vejam o seguinte link:


CIBIO ( is a young and highly dynamic Research Centre located close to Porto, in the north of Portugal, which aims to be an international Centre of Excellence in the fields of Biodiversity and Evolution, offering great opportunities for multidisciplinary and stimulating research. The Centre is part of InBIO, a Portuguese Associate Laboratory, occupies recently-built facilities, and has more than 130 researchers holding a PhD degree, as well as more than 100 MSc and PhD students, and people from many different countries. Researchers are organized in 17 research groups. The working atmosphere is vibrant and enthusiastic, and CIBIO is regularly visited by many scientists from abroad. Porto is a world-heritage town, capital of Port wine, and the Northern region of Portugal provides rich cultural and outdoor activities. The Centre has fully equipped molecular laboratories (multiple PCR rooms, automated sequencers, real-time PCR machines, etc), as well as technicians and administrative staff, and the necessary equipment for fieldwork. Research projects are performed at a global scale. We are now advertising a series of post-doctoral positions ( and expect to recruit enthusiastic and highly motivated researchers in the areas indicated below. The positions are expected to start by March 1st, 2013. The application period is from 07 a February 21, 2013. Ample possibilities and opportunities for continuation of research are expected to become available in the years to come.


Archaeobotany & Evolution


CIBIO invites applications for a 30-months post-doctoral scholarship in the field of Archaeobotany to be filled by 1 March 2013. The successful applicant is expected to join a multidisciplinary Bioarchaeology research laboratory to engage his/her own research and to make substantive contributions to the ongoing archaeobotanical investigation, mainly focusing on the evolution of agriculture and storage strategies during prehistoric and historical times and their relation with environmental and social dynamics. Applicants must have a vast experience in the study of carpological assemblages from archaeological contexts as well as in the development of sampling strategies, sample recovery and processing. Additional experience in wood and charcoal identification and management of biological collections will be valued. Most investigation will be conducted at CIBIO (Vairão) and at the Natural History Museum of the University of Porto, in close connection with team members in Lisbon. The candidate should be a good communicator and speak and write fluent English. The ranking of candidates will result from a global appreciation of the Curriculum vitae, possibly followed by a job interview. The grant will correspond to 1450 € per month (12 months).


Applications including a detailed CV, a statement of research interests and motivation, as well as the emails of at least three referees will start immediately and be accepted until February 21th, 2013. However, the committee will begin reviewing applications immediately and continue until the position is filled. The positions are expected to start in March 1st, 2013. Informal inquiries and applications should be addressed to:


Dra. Sara Ferreira

Gestora de Ciência e Tecnologia

CIBIO, Centro de Investigação em Biodiversidade e Recursos Genéticos

Campus Agrário de Vairão, Universidade do Porto

4485-661 Vairão Portugal

Telef: +351.252660411 Fax: +351.252661780


João Pedro Vicente Tereso

CIBIO - Centro de Investigação em Biodiversidade e Recursos Genéticos/Research Center In Biodiversity and Genetic Resources
Faculdade de Ciências - Universidade do Porto/Faculty of Sciences - University of Porto
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