Layers, Flows, Intersections: Historical GIS for 19th-century Rio de Janeiro
Zephyr Frank, Stanford University
Tuesday, February 19th, 18:15 GMT
Old Anatomy Museum, Strand Campus, King's College London
Details, including directions to the ATM:
This seminar will be streamed live from the University of North Carolina
at Chapel Hill's Digital Innovation Lab to the OId Anatomy Museum,
King's College London, with questions and discussion across both sites
after. It will also be possible for PC users anywhere to view the talk
remotely, and participate via live chat (joining instructions at the end
of this email).
A digitized map of 1866 Rio de Janeiro, with historically accurate renderings of streets and property parcels, provides the setting in which more than 300,000 historic records including names, addresses, and other detailed information have been organized in a database and plotted in space to reveal interconnections, networks, movement, and change over time. The digitized maps and data created by the project provide the spatially-oriented resources for dynamic visualizations. In particular, it is possible to explore movement, social networks, and the intensity of urban experience through the use of GIS-based visualization techniques. This paper argues for the use of these techniques as an aide to understanding historical experience as "felt and lived" in a rich spatial context.
Zephyr Frank is Associate Professor of Latin American history at Stanford University, where he has taught since 2000. His research interests include quantitative methods for social and economic history, the application of GIS techniques in historical analysis, and the study of literature in relation to social and cultural history. His research has appeared in the pages of the Journal of Economic History, Comparative Studies in Society and History, the Journal of Social History, and the Journal of Latin American Geography, among other venues. He is a founding member of the Spatial History Project and the current director of the Center for Spatial and Textual Analysis (CESTA) at Stanford University.
If attending the event at KCL, please register here: The seminar will be followed by refreshments.
To participate remotely:
Remote Real Time (PC)
PC users who wish to participate remotely in real time may use this
link: . Participants will need an updated version of Silverlight, and will need to download Microsoft Lync Attendee for video and audio access (
Internet Explorer is the recommended web browser for participating remotely.
Remote Real Time (Mac)
We apologize that we cannot support remote Mac users at this time.
Post-Event Recording
We will be recording the talk for anyone who cannot participate remotely during the event. We will make the recording available on both the DIL and KCL websites within about twenty-four hours of the event.
Vera Moitinho de Almeida (PhD student)
Laboratori d'Arqueologia Quantitativa i Aplicacions Informàtiques en Arqueologia
Departament de Arqueologia Prehistòria
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona