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[Archport] Fwd: [nap-ualg] Journal of Human Evolution: Alert 1 April-7 April

Subject :   [Archport] Fwd: [nap-ualg] Journal of Human Evolution: Alert 1 April-7 April
From :   Núcleo de Arqueologia e Paleoecologia <>
Date :   Mon, 8 Apr 2013 23:50:50 +0100

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New articles in Journal of Human Evolution available on ScienceDirect
Journal of Human Evolution

New Articles in Press, 1 April-7 April 2013
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 1.Ecological continuity between Lower and Upper Bed II, Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania   Original Research Article

Available online 6 April 2013
Kris Kovarovic, Rebecca Slepkov, Kieran P. McNulty

 2.The vertebral column of the Regourdou 1 Neandertal   Original Research Article

Available online 6 April 2013
Asier Gómez-Olivencia, Christine Couture-Veschambre, Stéphane Madelaine, Bruno Maureille

 3.A MATLAB based orientation analysis of Acheulean handaxe accumulations in Olorgesailie and Kariandusi, Kenya Rift   Original Research Article

Available online 3 April 2013
Marius J. Walter, Martin H. Trauth

Journal of Human Evolution Journal of Human Evolution

Volume 64, Issue 5,  Pages 319-472, May 2013

 1. Editorial Board   

Pages IFC

  Regular Papers
 2. The distal tibia of Hispanopithecus laietanus: More evidence for mosaic evolution in Miocene apes   Original Research Article

Pages 319-327
Melissa Tallman, Sergio Almécija, Samantha L. Reber, David M. Alba, Salvador Moyà-Solà

 3. Phytoliths from Middle Stone Age habitats in the Mozambican Rift (105–29 ka)   Original Research Article

Pages 328-336
Julio Mercader, Tim Bennett, Chris Esselmont, Steven Simpson, Dale Walde

 4. Late Middle Pleistocene hominin teeth from Panxian Dadong, South China   Original Research Article

Pages 337-355
Wu Liu, Lynne A. Schepartz, Song Xing, Sari Miller-Antonio, Xiujie Wu, Erik Trinkaus, María Martinón-Torres

 5. U-series and radiocarbon analyses of human and faunal remains from Wajak, Indonesia   Original Research Article

Pages 356-365
Paul Storm, Rachel Wood, Chris Stringer, Antonis Bartsiokas, John de Vos, Maxime Aubert, Les Kinsley, Rainer Grün

 6. The artiodactyl calcaneus as a potential ‘control bone’ cautions against simple interpretations of trabecular bone adaptation in the anthropoid femoral neck   Original Research Article

Pages 366-379
Kristofer D. Sinclair, Ryan W. Farnsworth, Theresa X. Pham, Alex N. Knight, Roy D. Bloebaum, John G. Skedros

 7. Early Upper Paleolithic shell beads at Üçağızlı Cave I (Turkey): Technology and the socioeconomic context of ornament life-histories   Original Research Article

Pages 380-398
Mary C. Stiner, Steven L. Kuhn, Erksin Güleç

 8. Cladistic analysis of extant and fossil African papionins using craniodental data   Original Research Article

Pages 399-433
Christopher C. Gilbert

 9. Microtomographic archive of fossil hominin specimens from Kromdraai B, South Africa   Original Research Article

Pages 434-447
Matthew M. Skinner, Tracy L. Kivell, Stephany Potze, Jean-Jacques Hublin

 10. Reproductive costs for everyone: How female loads impact human mobility strategies   Original Research Article

Pages 448-456
Cara M. Wall-Scheffler, Marcella J. Myers

 11. Long range inland–coastal networks during the Late Magdalenian: Evidence for individual acquisition of marine resources at Andernach-Martinsberg, German Central Rhineland   Original Research Article

Pages 457-465
Michelle C. Langley, Martin Street

  News and Views
 12. Cosmogenic 26Al/10Be burial dating of the Paleolithic at Xihoudu, North China   

Pages 466-470
Ping Kong, Jun Jia, Yong Zheng

 13. Corrigendum to “On the industrial attributions of the Aterian and Mousterian of the Maghreb” [J. H. Evol. 64 (2013) 194–210]   

Pages 471
Harold L. Dibble, Vera Aldeias, Zenobia Jacobs, Deborah I. Olszewski, Zeljko Rezek, Sam C. Lin, Esteban Alvarez-Fernández, Carolyn C. Barshay-Szmidt, Emily Hallett-Desguez, Denné Reed, Kaye Reed, Daniel Richter, Teresa E. Steele, Anne Skinner, Bonnie Blackwell, Ekaterina Doronicheva, Mohamed El-Hajraoui

 14. Editor History, Forthcoming Papers   

Pages IBC


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Núcleo de Arqueologia e Paleoecologia
Universidade do Algarve
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8005-139 Faro, PORTUGAL


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