Call for Bloggers: Emerging Conservation Professionals
ICCROM is looking for opinionated, creatively critical and passionate bloggers from around the world to cover a unique event, the ICCROM Forum on Conservation Science [].
ICCROM together with a consortium of 15 institution partners* is organizing an international Forum on the future of Conservation Science, which will be held in Rome, Italy from 16-18 October 2013.
More than 80 of the world’s leading conservation practitioners, scientists, educators, and managers will come together for this 3-day event.
DEADLINE: 5 October 2013.
You would be expected to contribute at least 1 post of 2-3 paragraphs (English or French). If selected, you will be contacted with further details.
Apply by clicking on the link below:
NOTE: As this is a closed meeting, bloggers would work from a distance on a blog platform to which they will be given access remotely.
*ICCROM Forum 2013 Consortium Partners:
The AHRC/EPSRC Science and Heritage Programme, UK; Bern University of the Arts, Switzerland; The Centre de recherche et de restauration des musées de France, France; The Canadian Conservation Institute, Canada; The National Heritage Center of Tsinghua University, China; The National Research Institute of Cultural Heritage, Cultural Heritage Administration,Republic of Korea; The National Research Council, Italy; The Faculdade de Ciencias e Tecnologia, UNL, Portugal; The Getty Conservation Institute, USA; The Institut royal du Patrimoine artistique Belgium; The National Heritage Board, Sweden; The Cultural Heritage Agency, the Netherlands; The Smithsonian Institution, USA; The University College London Qatar, UK/Qatar; The Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais-CECOR, Brazil.