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[Archport] Investigação e docência: candidaturas abertas

Subject :   [Archport] Investigação e docência: candidaturas abertas
From :   Vera Moitinho <>
Date :   Fri, 10 Jan 2014 12:33:13 +0000


Dear Colleague,

It is with great pleasure to offer 6 positions for Early Stage Researchers in the framework of the European Marie Curie Initial Training Network "FP7-PEOPLE ITN2013 ITN-DCH: Digital Cultural Heritage".
If you know eligible candidates (m/f) interested in the area of the e-documentation and e-preservation in Cultural Heritage (CH), please forward these offers to them -- the Marie Curie ITN-DCH Team is very grateful.

The Marie Curie ITN-DCH consists of 23 academic, research, industrial and CH stakeholders/partners from 11 EU countries. The project aims to analyze, design, research, develop and validate an innovative multi-disciplinary and inter-sectorial research training framework, that covers the whole lifecycle of digital CH research for a cost-effective preservation, documentation, protection and presentation.

Currently, this is the largest Marie Curie Project funded by the European Union -- any assistance is very much appreciated.

Full job announcements here:


Dear All,

Allow me to draw your attention to a number of open positions within a Marie Curie Action:

May be you know potential candidates.

Mensagem anterior por data: [Archport] remoção de endereço de e-mail Próxima mensagem por data: [Archport] Curso Cultural - Rei D. Carlos e o fim da Monarquia, com Margarida Magalhães Ramalho
Mensagem anterior por assunto: [Archport] Investigação e Conservação do Património Vernacular em debate, no Porto | 12 Abril 2013 Próxima mensagem por assunto: [Archport] Invulgar revisitação de S. João de Tarouca