DescriptionInformation Technology has brought many significant changes in the field of Cultural Heritage and continues to be a dynamic and exciting field for the emergence of new opportunities. This wave of change has had particularly significant consequences in the field of Epigraphy and Classical Studies where the vast potential for digital content and new tools continues to reveal itself, opening doors to new and as-yet-unexplored synergies. Many technological developments concerning digital libraries, research and education are now fully developed and ready to be exported, applied, utilized, and cultivated by the public. In the spirit of this vibrant environment,EAGLE is pleased to announce the EAGLE 2014 International Conference on Information Technologies for Epigraphy and Digital Cultural Heritage in the Ancient World. The conference is organised by EAGLE in collaboration with the École Normale Supérieure and Collège de France Chaire Religion, institutions et société de la Rome antique. Co-funded by the European Commission under its Information and Communication Technologies Policy Support Programme, EAGLE aims to create an e-library for Digital Epigraphy of unprecedented scale and quality for ingestion toEuropeana. EAGLE is also aiming at creating a network of experts and people interested in Epigraphy and Cultural Heritage. This event is intended to be a forum for anyone willing to share and discuss experiences and current general best practices for digital editions. It is open to researchers, archivists, industry professionals, museum curators and others seeking to create a forum in which individuals and institutions can find a place to collaborate. The EAGLE 2014 conference will confirm a keynote-speaker lineup consisting of some of the most salient voices in the field, including Keynote lectures will be delivered by Susan Hazan (The Israel Museum), Tom Elliott (New York University) and Thomas Jaeger (European Commission). ThemesThe EAGLE2014 conference will consist of a number of lectures, panels and selected papers organized into several sessions. It is expected that the conference proceedings will be published with a major European scientific editor. The conference will also provide space for demonstrations and product display. The EAGLE2014 tracks are the following: * Digital approaches to cross-disciplinary studies of inscriptions Topics we’re seeking for the 2014 program include (but are not limited to): * Digital Cultural Heritage in the Ancient World Submission guidelinesContributions should be original and not submitted and/or published in other journals or conferences and will be reviewed and selected by the Program Committee. Contributions include: * Full papers (max. 8 pages) Contributions must be in English and submitted in PDF format through the Conference submission page (To Be Defined) Important dates * Submission of Panel proposals: 31 March 2014 |
Mensagem anterior por data: [Archport] Congreso Internacional de Fortificaciones de la Edad del Hierro: Control de los recursos y el territorio (Zamora - 2014) | Próxima mensagem por data: [Archport] Curso Livre Desenho Arqueológico |
Mensagem anterior por assunto: [Archport] informacao sobre gravura rupestre | Próxima mensagem por assunto: Re: [Archport] Info (y revistas espaņolas digitalizadas) |