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Re: [Archport] Digest Archport, volume 126, assunto 32

Subject :   Re: [Archport] Digest Archport, volume 126, assunto 32
From :   Vitor Rafael <>
Date :   Sun, 9 Mar 2014 10:34:13 -0300

Já há muitos meses que se sabe que isso é (mais) uma tentativa de fraude arqueológica.

2014-03-09 8:41 GMT-03:00 <>:
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Tópicos de Hoje:

   1. SERA VERDADE : Huge Underwater Pyramid Discovered Near
      (Ricardo Charters d'Azevedo)


Message: 1
Date: Sun, 9 Mar 2014 11:40:16 -0000
From: "Ricardo Charters d'Azevedo" <>
Subject: [Archport] SERA VERDADE : Huge Underwater Pyramid Discovered
To: <>

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

Huge Underwater Pyramid Discovered Near Portugal -- The Navy is

Portuguese news reported the discovery of a very large under water pyramid
first discovered by Diocleciano Silva between the islands of São Miguel and
Terceira in the Azores of Portugal.

According to claims, the structure is said to be perfectly squared and
oriented by the cardinal points.

Current estimates obtained using GPS digital technology put the height at 60
meters with a base of 8000 square meters.

The Portuguese Hydrographic Institute of the Navy currently has the job of
analyzing the data to determine whether or not the structure is man-made.

Artistic interpretation of the submerged pyramid near Portugal

“The pyramid is perfectly shaped and apparently oriented by the cardinal
points,” Silva told Diário Insular, the local newspaper.

The pyramid was found in an area of the mid-Atlantic that has been
underwater for about 20,000 years. Considering this is around the time of
the last ice age where glaciation was melting from its peak 2000 years
prior, whatever civilization, human or not, that was around before the ice
age, could be responsible for building the pyramid.

While the Portuguese Navy still hasn’t determined the origins, many might
question why this hasn’t been first reported on sooner than late 2012.
Certainly the NOAA who studies volcanic activity in the area of the pyramid
would have discovered the pyramid through sonar imaging and so forth since
the area is heavily studied due to volcanic activity.

Either the NOAA hasn’t yet come across it, they are hiding what they have
found, or the pyramid doesn’t exist. The last theory does not seem to be
likely given the authenticity of the find.


Right: The actual pyramid, as scanned with high tech device

To further support the idea that this pyramid could have been built by
different civilizations, archaeologists from the Portuguese Association of
Archaeological Research have recently discovered evidence on Pico island
that suggests their belief that humans existed in the Azores region before
the arrival of the Portuguese thousands of years ago. As of today, there is
still no explanation for who created the rock art found on the islands.

Was the pyramid built by whatever civilization existed prior to the
Portuguese? Is it possibly not even man-made?

This may be the famous sunken continent of Atlantis


Is this the sunken continent of Atlantis?

Here is the Portuguese news report with English subtitles for those who wish
to look into the authenticity of the claims:

The Azores are an interesting region as they are a chain of nine volcanic
islands in three main groups that are roughly 930 miles west of Lisbon. They
are all situated around the fault lines between the North American, Eurasian
and African tectonic plates. An interesting place to have a pyramid given
the energetic qualities often associated with pyramids.

This video discusses some interesting bits of information that explore the
authenticity of the story and the possible location visually using some

It is important to note that exact coordinates of the pyramid have not been
released. He believes that there may be a discovery of 2 more pyramids in
the area as images suggest there could be a design link to that of the
pyramids built in Egypt.

> Collective
> Portuguese-American Journal;
<> Azores Pyramid Website;

- See more at:

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Fim da Digest Archport, volume 126, assunto 32

Mensagem anterior por data: Re: [Archport] SERA VERDADE : Huge Underwater Pyramid Discovered Near Próxima mensagem por data: Re: [Archport] SERA VERDADE : Huge Underwater Pyramid Discovered Near
Mensagem anterior por assunto: Re: [Archport] Digest Archport, volume 125, assunto 91 Próxima mensagem por assunto: Re: [Archport] Digest Archport, volume 126, assunto 85