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[Archport] Palestra Inopinada de Katina Lillios: The Rock-Cut Tomb of Bolores (Torres Vedras)

To :   archport <>
Subject :   [Archport] Palestra Inopinada de Katina Lillios: The Rock-Cut Tomb of Bolores (Torres Vedras)
From :   Rui Boaventura <>
Date :   Thu, 20 Mar 2014 12:15:31 +0000

No próximo dia 1 de Abril de 2014, às 18 horas, a professora Katina Lillios, Catedrática da Universidade de Iowa City (USA) realizará no Museu Nacional de Arqueologia uma conferência intitulada:

«The Rock-Cut Tomb of Bolores (Torres Vedras): An Interdisciplinary Approach to Understanding the Social Landscape of the Late Neolithic/Copper Age of the Portuguese Estremadura»



To better understand the sociopolitical landscape of the Portuguese Estremadura during the Late Neolithic/Copper Age, interdisciplinary excavations were conducted at Bolores (Torres Vedras), in the Sizandro River Valley. Following a test season in 1986, a University of Iowa team conducted four campaigns between 2007 and 2012. Bolores is an artificial cave used primarily between 2800-2600 cal BC for the burial of adults, adolescents, and children (MNI=37). The architectural, material cultural, and bioarchaeological evidence suggests that Bolores housed the remains of a distinctive group of local individuals, some of whom who were biologically related and some with ancestry in North Africa, who marked their difference from other burial populations in the Sizandro and Estremadura through material culture and tomb architecture. Social differences appear to have been denoted spatially and through offerings of material goods.


Salão Nobre do MNA – Entrada livre.

Mensagem anterior por data: Re: [Archport] Francisco Alves e a Exposição "O Tempo Resgatado ao Mar". Próxima mensagem por data: [Archport] Winners of 2014 EU Prize for Cultural Heritage / Europa Nostra Awards announced - dois prémios para projetos portugueses
Mensagem anterior por assunto: [Archport] Palestra Inopinada de Katina Lillios: The Rock-Cut Tomb of Bolores (Torres Vedras) Próxima mensagem por assunto: [Archport] PALESTRA RUBENS LUNA.doc