Caro Alexandre Monteiro:Obrigado pela divulgação, sempre oportuna, e pelos parabéns - que, todavia, e no caso do Programa "Encontros com o Património" - têm que ser extensíveis à DGPC, que escolhe, prepara e investiga os temas, selecciona e estabelece os contactos com os convidados e e cria os guiões do programa. Julgo que esta situação nem sempre é devidamente referida, daí este esclarecimento.Muito obrigada,Margarida Donas Botto2014-03-20 13:06 GMT+00:00 Alexandre Monteiro <>:
Parabéns às Linhas de Torres e à TSF!
The Hague/Brussels, 20 March 2014 - The winners of the 2014 European Union Prize for Cultural Heritage / Europa Nostra Awards are unveiled today by the European Commission and Europa Nostra. The 27 laureates, selected from 160 nominated projects across 30 countries, are honoured for achievements in four areas: conservation; research; dedicated service; education, training and awareness-raising. The award ceremony will take place on 5 May at the Burgtheater in Vienna, under the patronage of the President of Austria, Heinz Fischer. Androulla Vassiliou, European Commissioner for Education, Culture, Multilingualism and Youth, and Plácido Domingo, the internationally-renowned opera singer and President of Europa Nostra, will jointly present the awards. Six of the winners will be named as Grand Prix laureates, receiving €10 000 each, and one will receive the Public Choice Award, chosen in an online poll conducted by Europa Nostra. As well as celebrating excellence in cultural heritage work, the Prize aims to promote high-quality skills and standards in conservation.
"I would like to warmly congratulate this year's winners and their teams, whose passion and dedication is so inspiring. Europe's heritage is one of our most precious assets. It builds bridges between the past and present, promotes growth, fosters social inclusion and attracts tourism. But many of these works of art and human ingenuity, which have conveyed beauty through the centuries, are increasingly fragile. Their survival depends on long-term investment in preservation and maintenance. I am delighted that our new Creative Europe programme will continue to support the Prize, as well as many other transnational initiatives, and that cultural heritage will continue to benefit from substantial EU funding from different sources including the regional funds and research," stated Commissioner Vassiliou.
"This year’s achievements demonstrate that, even in challenging economic circumstances, heritage projects can mobilise talented and passionate people and rally support from public and private sources. Thanks to their skills, commitment and generosity, numerous historic sites have been revitalised and the lives of so many individuals have been embellished and enriched. I hope that our partnership with the European Commission will continue to grow in strength and impact, spreading even wider European excellence in the heritage field,” added Plácido Domingo.
For Europa Nostra
Elena Bianchi +31 70 302 40 58
Joana Pinheiro + 31 70 302 40 55
Twitter: @europanostra
About each winning project:
For the European Commission
Dennis Abbott +32 2 295 92 58
Twitter: @DennisAbbott
Dina Avraam +32 2 295 96 67
European Commission: Culture
Twitter: @VassiliouEU
2014 Award Winners
(listed alphabetically by country)
Category 1 - Conservation
Category 2 - Research
Category 3 - Dedicated Service
Category 4 - Education, Training and Awareness-Raising
A Europa Nostra Award is also presented to projects from two European countries not taking part in the EU Culture Programme (2007-13):
▪ Conservation - Agate Rooms in Pushkin, St. Petersburg, RUSSIA
▪ Conservation - Belle Epoque Steamers on Lake Geneva, Lausanne, SWITZERLAND
This year’s winners of the EU Prize for Cultural Heritage / Europa Nostra Awards join the 360 laureates recognised by the European Commission and Europa Nostra since 2002. Specialist juries made up of independent experts from across Europe assess the nominated projects in four categories: conservation; research; dedicated service; education, training and awareness-raising. All the winners receive a plaque or trophy. The six Grand Prix winners also receive €10 000 each.
The awards have been supported by the EU Culture Programme, which invested almost €40 million in co-financing heritage-related projects between 2007 and 2013. Other EU programmes have also provided support: in the same period, the European Regional Development Fund allocated €6 billion for the protection and preservation of cultural heritage, development of cultural infrastructure and support for cultural services such as vocational training, arts and heritage education. The EU Programmes for Research and Technological Development have provided a further €150 million for cultural heritage since 1998.
The new Creative Europe programme, which has a budget of nearly €1.5 billion over the next seven years (9% more than previous levels), will continue to support transnational cooperation projects in the heritage field.
As well as its intrinsic value, cultural heritage brings a significant contribution to job creation and growth. Spending on conservation of cultural heritage by public and private bodies is worth an estimated €5 billion a year. Figures published by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) show that 40% of worldwide tourism has a cultural dimension. Cultural heritage is also a key resource for sustainable development and social cohesion.
Europa Nostra - the Voice of Cultural Heritage in Europe - is a growing citizens’ movement for the safeguarding of Europe’s cultural and natural heritage. With its vast pan-European network of members (organisations and individuals), associates and partners, Europa Nostra is a highly influential lobby for cultural heritage. It also campaigns to save Europe's endangered monuments, sites and landscapes. In 2013, Europa Nostra celebrated its 50th anniversary.
The 2014 award ceremony in Vienna is part of Europa Nostra's annual European Heritage Congress, which will be held under the patronage of the President of Austria, Heinz Fischer. The European Commission, its Representation in Austria, the Austrian Federal Ministry for the Arts and Culture, Stiftung Fürst Liechtenstein, the Erste Stiftung, and Austrian national public broadcaster ORF are among the partners of the 2014 Congress.
Palmarès 2014 du Prix du patrimoine culturel de l’UE/ Concours Europa Nostra
La Haye / Bruxelles, 20 Mars 2014 – Les noms des lauréats de l'édition 2014 du Prix du patrimoine culturel de l’UE/Concours Europa Nostra ont été révélés aujourd’hui par la Commission européenne et Europa Nostra. Les 27 lauréats, choisis parmi 160 projets sélectionnés dans 30 pays, sont mis à l'honneur pour leurs réalisations dans quatre catégories: la conservation, la recherche, les contributions exceptionnelles et l'éducation, la formation et la sensibilisation. La cérémonie de remise des prix aura lieu le 5 mai au Burgtheater à Vienne, sous le patronage du président de l'Autriche, M. Heinz Fischer. Mme Androulla Vassiliou, la commissaire européenne à l’éducation, à la culture, au multilinguisme et à la jeunesse et M. Plácido Domingo, le grand ténor et président d’Europa Nostra, remettront ensemble les récompenses. Six lauréats recevront chacun un «grand prix», d'une valeur de 10 000 euros, et l'un des lauréats se verra décerner le prix du public à l'issue d'un vote en ligne organisé par Europa Nostra. Ce prix récompense non seulement l'excellence du travail dans le secteur du patrimoine culturel, mais il vise également à promouvoir des normes élevées et des compétences de haut niveau dans les techniques de conservation.
«Je tiens à féliciter chaleureusement les lauréats de cette année ainsi que leurs équipes, dont la passion et le dévouement constituent une véritable source d'inspiration. Le patrimoine de l'Europe est l'un de nos biens les plus précieux. Il jette des ponts entre le passé et le présent, favorise la croissance, encourage l'inclusion sociale et attire le tourisme. Cependant, nombre de ces œuvres d'art, témoins de l'ingéniosité humaine, dont la beauté a traversé les siècles, sont de plus en plus fragilisées. Leur survie dépend d'un investissement à long terme dans les techniques de préservation et de conservation. Je suis très heureuse que notre nouveau programme «Europe créative» continue à soutenir ce prix, ainsi que de nombreuses autres initiatives transnationales, et que le patrimoine culturel continue ainsi de bénéficier d'un financement important de l'UE provenant de différentes sources, notamment les fonds régionaux et la recherche», a déclaré Mme Vassiliou.
«Les réalisations de cette année sont la preuve que, même dans un contexte économique difficile, les projets ayant trait au patrimoine peuvent mobiliser des personnes passionnées et pleines de talent et recueillir le soutien de sources publiques et privées. Grâce à leurs compétences, leur engagement et leur générosité, de nombreux sites historiques ont retrouvé une nouvelle vitalité et l'existence de nombre d'individus a été embellie et enrichie. J'espère que notre partenariat avec la Commission européenne continuera de croître en force et en impact, permettant ainsi de diffuser encore plus largement l'excellence européenne dans le domaine du patrimoine culturel,» a ajouté Plácido Domingo.
Lauréats 2014
(par ordre alphabétique des pays)
Catégorie 1 — Conservation
Catégorie 2 — Recherche
Catégorie 3 — Contributions exceptionnelles
Catégorie 4 — Éducation, formation et sensibilisation
Un prix Europa Nostra a également été attribué à des projets menés dans deux pays européens qui ne participent pas au programme Culture de l'UE (2007-2013):
▪ Conservation - Salles d'agate à Pouchkine, St-Pétersbourg, RUSSIE▪ Conservation - Les Bateaux Belle Epoque du lac Léman, SUISSE
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