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[Archport] Um livro sobre o culto a Mitra - disponível on line

To :   "archport" <>, "Arqueohisp" <>, "porras" <>
Subject :   [Archport] Um livro sobre o culto a Mitra - disponível on line
From :   José d'Encarnação <>
Date :   Sun, 6 Apr 2014 11:32:15 +0100

Title: AWOL - The Ancient World Online

The Roman Cult of Mithras

The Roman deity Mithras is one of those ancient deities about whose myth and cult we know little. No description of his mysteries has come down to us, nor any certain idea of the cult myth. Most of what we know for certain we learn from monuments and archaeology.

The purpose of these pages is to assist the general reader. The intention is primarily to make sources available, or accessible. The intention is to avoid promoting any particular opinion about Mithras or about Mithraic studies. Rather the intention is to provide as much primary data as possible, and enough information about the secondary data, to permit a reasonable person to form his own conclusions.

These pages make no claim to scholarship, or to anything other than a greater access to the sources than most people. Wherever possible the references will be linked to some online Google Books preview, so that the reader may verify for himself what the source says, and whether the statement made is a fair discussion of it...

§                             1. Summary of the cult myth

§                             2. History

§                             3. Iconography

§                                                          3.1. The Mithraeum

§                                                          3.2. The Tauroctony

§                                                          3.3. The Banquet of the Sun

§                                                          3.4. The lion-headed figure

§                             4. Initiation into the mysteries of Mithras

§                             5. Mithras and other gods

§                                                          5.1. Phanes

§                                                          5.2. Sol, Helios, Sol Invictus

§                                                          5.3. Jupiter Dolichenus

§                                                          5.4. Mithras and Christianity

§                             6. Bibliography

§                                                          6.1. Further reading

§                                                          6.2. External links




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